Опубліковано в Bosnia and Herzegovina - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 27 Oct 2018 03:29 - 23
Hello guys!
Today we are going to celebrate! Our fellow player and my best friend Prdarbih is getting married!
Here is a picture of him and his best man (me) 😁
Today we are going to celebrate! Our fellow player and my best friend Prdarbih is getting married!
Here is a picture of him and his best man (me) 😁
CyborrrggSavyySavyySavyyBOSMANLordMarlockKenchiGofonjaRikiSir ParycovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececovececoveceКоментарі (23)
Okova se i ti momče, sretno ti
E sad ai ga najebo govorim iz.iskustva i neboj se nije samo.usisivac jedini ima i pranje cipela hahaah
Congrats guys!! All the best in your partnership!!!
Sretno o/
Brat,sto si kupovao golde na erev kupovao se
Very brave couple, best of luck to you two.
I wrote is getting married nor are getting married. Haha guys 😂
Good luck guys.
From the moment I saw you together I knew its something special and will last forever.
Take care of each other, and have a nice honeymoon.
Hahaha mistakes were made, when I decided to publish this article haha
Such a nice couple #LGBT4LIFE
Fake pic thats Marin Cilic on the right
ljepi mladenci na slici, puno sreće i zdravlja
#LGBT4LIFE www.erev2.com/en/article/990 on international wall everyone!
Fin par , nema sta ! Srecno
nice couple.. good luck both of you.. xD
good luck guys
Such a nice couple #LGBT4LIFE x2
Which one will wear jeans in the house?
Waaaa, congrats ^_^
Such a nice couple #LGBT4LIFE x3
s4s https://www.erev2.com/es/article/144