Опубліковано в Philippines - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 03 Jun 2024 20:54 - 14
Dear Players,
There are some changes as we introduced in our last Admin News regarding the paying system. Coins are used to buy packs and most of them able to buy only with Coins. Notice that all prices remain the same, we are just taking up control under purchases that is it.

Rookie Pack

This will boost your progress and provide you more efficient experience. The pack have three different qualities and you can buy all of them. This pack consists of:
- x3 Experience in Combat for all packs
- Gold Mine which provides 5 Gold Daily for Quality1, 6 Gold Daily for Quality 2 and 7 Gold Daily for Quality 3
- Boosted up Daily Order rewards with temporary items.
The Rookie Pack is activated the same as the Gold Pack or Power Pack. You need to go into your improved buildings and activate them so it can start counting.
The difference between packs is in level your experience bonus is provided, so Quality 1 is for players from 0 - 2000 level, Quality 2 is for players between 2001 level- 4000 level, and Quality 3 is for players from 4000 to 6001 level.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedules, updates, and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

There are some changes as we introduced in our last Admin News regarding the paying system. Coins are used to buy packs and most of them able to buy only with Coins. Notice that all prices remain the same, we are just taking up control under purchases that is it.

This will boost your progress and provide you more efficient experience. The pack have three different qualities and you can buy all of them. This pack consists of:
- x3 Experience in Combat for all packs
- Gold Mine which provides 5 Gold Daily for Quality1, 6 Gold Daily for Quality 2 and 7 Gold Daily for Quality 3
- Boosted up Daily Order rewards with temporary items.
The Rookie Pack is activated the same as the Gold Pack or Power Pack. You need to go into your improved buildings and activate them so it can start counting.
The difference between packs is in level your experience bonus is provided, so Quality 1 is for players from 0 - 2000 level, Quality 2 is for players between 2001 level- 4000 level, and Quality 3 is for players from 4000 to 6001 level.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedules, updates, and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,

Коментарі (14)

Only one


to se traži

Good job

Edom copy



Just adding packs for more money? Nobody is going to buy it cause the game is broken in so many ways...

I buy RP !!!


Copy paste again

why do we need XP boost? We need a way to catch people with 300k strength so that we no longer do 40kkk dmg in the end of the week...

Control C+V

So how much xp we Got in Epic battles if that pack is activated.