Опубліковано в Iran - Аналіз війни - 28 Oct 2023 22:22 - 8

- Hello Barbod, thank you for accepting my request for an interview. Please take a look at the screenshot so we can start the interview.
+ Hi bro, sure.
- Paul Jr, condemns you and claims that Iran has had problems with neighboring countries. Do you confirm these statements?
+ Yes, wars began between Iran and Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, and later between Iran and China...
- Yes, we are aware of all these wars, so do you confirm Paul Jr, statements?
+ No, hes trying to mislead.
- Would you like to provide more explanations?
+ Yes... after we returned to the game after years, we declared that Iran is not inactive. Turkey and Saudi Arabia left Iranian regions completely respectfully. But Saudi Arabia attacked Iran, and when I asked them why they attacked Iran, they said they need Iranian regions and don't need permission to take them... Then Turkey attacked Iran, and when I asked them, Why did you attack Iran? They said you attacked our ally, and I said Iran has no CP, no defense minister, and no congress member, and it can't attack any country. They didn't continue the conversation and didn't give an explanation...
With the help of countries like Bulgaria, Canada, the USA, Macedonia, and Peru, Iran managed to win the wars and entered their main regions. Negotiations for an NAP started on my proposal, and the wars ended...
After a short time, China attacked Iran, occupying many regions. With the help of our allies, Iran managed to win the wars. When we reached the Chinese border, negotiations for an NAP started on my proposal, and the wars ended...
When I asked the Chinese government, Why did you attack Iran? They said, For fun.
- Thank you for the explanations. As of the publication of this article, does Iran have bad relations with Turkey, China, and Saudi Arabia?
+ We currently have no bad relations with Turkey and the former Chinese government. I know the main reason for their attack on Iran was not personal interests. They attacked Iran to support their friendly and allied country. But in Iran, we decided to forget this unfortunate event and not seek revenge, and we managed to continue our relations with respect, which has been quite successful.
- Indonesia has now attacked you. What is the reason?
+ I don't know, perhaps because we rejected their request for friendly relations...
- Is Iran upset about being wiped out?
+ Yes, I'm very, very upset...
- What do you think their goal is in attacking Iran?
+ I don't know. They could have helped their allies to secure their bonuses, but they decided to attack a country with newly joined and weaker accounts. I think this is a training war for them and a good excuse to vent their grudges...
- Do you offer an NAP to them?
+ No, the war will continue, and we are waiting to be wiped out to maybe understand their goal...
- Do you have screenshots of past conversations with people?
+ Yes, but there is no need to publish it
- Thank you for giving me your time and accepting the interview request.
+ Thank you for coming up with this idea to make the in game atmosphere more exciting.
Stay tuned for more exciting interviews from me.
BarbodBarbodMoysenAnna diaAnna diaAnna diasoshekasoshekasoshekaDiablo IVreza7638SennheiserlionelejiКоментарі (8)

Me stay with paul 😹

Bro takes interview form himself and makes an article about someone s else messages, dude is a walking bipolar disorder with the yellow press

Aren t you the same person who started a big contest and ended up giving away to their accounts? 😹🙀

He is needy, he does everything to try to get attention, a few days ago he wrote an article saying he was going to leave (so far it was a relief for the community), now he is doing an article in which he is the interviewer, the interviewee and he even does comments, using 3 accounts different, it is better to seek psychological help.

I must be present until the cp election professor...
Because you have many multis, you run forward and accuse everyone of having multis... We have participated in several operations with all accounts and damaged them at the same time... but the Indonesian accounts with the maximum number of accounts... they can never deal damage at the same time because you are multi...

Im multi of Admin.

@Ignis17 🤣🤣🤣

Now Indonesia is a treacherous government that tries to distort the facts, they only care about their own interests, we are very lucky that we don t have a treacherous ally like Indonesia, stop lying and playing dirty, shame on you