Опубліковано в Bosnia and Herzegovina - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 20 Oct 2023 00:00 - 33
Dear Players,
In the ever-evolving world of our beloved game, change is the one constant we can count on. We are always working behind the scenes to surprise you, enhance your gaming experience, and bring new challenges to your digital doorstep. Today, we are thrilled to unveil a game module that will revolutionize the way you play, and we could not wait a moment longer to share it with you.
The anticipation has been building, and we know you have been eager for something fresh and exciting. Well, the wait is over, and the time has come to introduce you to a new dimension within our game.
Guild Wars

This event is not just another addition; it is a groundbreaking venture, a unique endeavor, unlike any other game module you have encountered before. Our aim is simple yet profound – to make your gaming experience more exhilarating, more dynamic, and, of course, more fun. We are here to test your mettle and challenge your strategies like never before.
So, without further ado, let us dive headfirst into the heart of this new module, understand how it works, and explore the limitless possibilities it opens up for you.
From date 23.10.2023, you will have the remarkable opportunity to create a guild. But this is not just about joining forces; it is about forging alliances, seizing power, and embarking on an adventure unlike any other. Each guild you form is a step towards glory, a path to camaraderie, and an emblem of your strategic prowess.

Ready to lead your guild to greatness? Let us delve into the world of Guild Wars and embark on a journey that will test your wits, your tactics, and your ability to conquer new heights.
Now, lets unravel the mysteries of this exciting new game module, step by step.
When event starts you will have the opportunity to create a new guild, which comes at a cost of 10 Gold. When you create a guild, you can choose a Name, Motto, Message, and your Badge, which will represent your guild as one of the worlds flags. Each guild can have up to 5 members. You, as the Guild Master, can choose who can join your guild.Guild Master will see option Auto Accept with which he make choice should members be joined automatically or only by your approval. Within your guild, you can communicate via chat and strategize with your fellow members. The default guild level is 1, and it can be upgraded up to level 15 based on influence, with the requirements outlined in the table below.

Guild Wars are envisioned as a map with 30 fields, each offering different rewards. Some fields include buildings that offer better rewards. Each map will consist of 10 Guilds, ranked by their damage. Guild wars last two weeks (14 days) and comprise 18 rounds. For six days, you will be engaged in warfare, followed by a one-day break each week from Sunday 11:00 to Monday 11:00.

Every day includes three rounds: TIER I, II, III. TIER I lasts from 11:00 -16:50, TIER II lasts from 17:00-04:50, and TIER III lasts from 05:00-10:50. You will notice there is a 10-minute pause between rounds where shooting is temporarily disabled as we collect and save data from the battles. After the completion of 3 rounds, players receive rewards for the fields they occupy during TIER III, which occurs in the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th rounds. To be eligible for rewards, you must deal damage in one of the Tiers I, II, III; no damage means no rewards. Players can collect rewards after TIER III and before the end of the next TIER III. Upon joining the war, you will be able to claim your rewards in just a few seconds, 2-3 minutes after end of TIER III. In the first round, players will be sorted by their power, and in subsequent rounds, by the damage they inflict during the guild war.

If you miss the Monday 11:00 deadline to join or create a Guild, you will have the opportunity to do so in every next TIER I (4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th rounds), and you will be placed in a war where there is space for your Guild.
Each player in the guild has their Soldiers, which can be upgraded. The maximum number of soldiers is 10. Each level of upgrade provides more power but comes at a higher cost in terms of gold and coins. The table below outlines the details for each soldier.

In addition to the guild war, you can accumulate influence by completing single-player missions. These missions are challenging but not impossible, and they offer additional rewards, similar to gold ticket events. By combining the war and these missions, you can earn up to 44 additional rewards. You can also purchase a gold Key to double the rewards for each unlocked level in this reward section (using a system similar to gold tickets).

There will be rewards for players who deal the most damage throughout the event. Everything, including guild and player rankings, will be displayed during the event.

NOTE: We reserve the right to adjust the rewards within the event at any time before the event starts.

We are making significant changes to our system for rewarding returning players, also known as returnees. In our previous system, we provided rewards to players who had not logged into the game for the last 20 days. Now, we’re extending this period to 60 days and enhancing the rewards; this time it’s the Starter Pack. Our primary motivation behind this change is to welcome players back to a dynamic and ever-evolving gaming experience. We understand that a lot can happen in 60 days, and we are committed to making your return to the game an exciting one. We hope that once you are back, you will continue to enjoy the game and all the new attractions it has to offer.

Also we have made one special mission for you to earn starter pack, and it wont be free as before by contacting administrator. Mission is simple, all you have to do is connect accounts from two games and finish up event in game Unity of Heroes.
Due to the incoming funds provided by the starter pack, some of the medals were removed from the game.
NOTE: On day 1,844 (October 23, 2023), True Ally achievements will be removed from the game.
NOTE: On day 1,844 (October 23, 2023), True Revolutionary achievements will be removed from the game.
NOTE: True Patriot achievements continue to exist, continue to count damage, and are given to the citizens while fighting for their country in a war or a resistance war, as they were before said achievements were subsequently inserted.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive reward next week.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

In the ever-evolving world of our beloved game, change is the one constant we can count on. We are always working behind the scenes to surprise you, enhance your gaming experience, and bring new challenges to your digital doorstep. Today, we are thrilled to unveil a game module that will revolutionize the way you play, and we could not wait a moment longer to share it with you.
The anticipation has been building, and we know you have been eager for something fresh and exciting. Well, the wait is over, and the time has come to introduce you to a new dimension within our game.

This event is not just another addition; it is a groundbreaking venture, a unique endeavor, unlike any other game module you have encountered before. Our aim is simple yet profound – to make your gaming experience more exhilarating, more dynamic, and, of course, more fun. We are here to test your mettle and challenge your strategies like never before.
So, without further ado, let us dive headfirst into the heart of this new module, understand how it works, and explore the limitless possibilities it opens up for you.
From date 23.10.2023, you will have the remarkable opportunity to create a guild. But this is not just about joining forces; it is about forging alliances, seizing power, and embarking on an adventure unlike any other. Each guild you form is a step towards glory, a path to camaraderie, and an emblem of your strategic prowess.

Ready to lead your guild to greatness? Let us delve into the world of Guild Wars and embark on a journey that will test your wits, your tactics, and your ability to conquer new heights.
Now, lets unravel the mysteries of this exciting new game module, step by step.
When event starts you will have the opportunity to create a new guild, which comes at a cost of 10 Gold. When you create a guild, you can choose a Name, Motto, Message, and your Badge, which will represent your guild as one of the worlds flags. Each guild can have up to 5 members. You, as the Guild Master, can choose who can join your guild.Guild Master will see option Auto Accept with which he make choice should members be joined automatically or only by your approval. Within your guild, you can communicate via chat and strategize with your fellow members. The default guild level is 1, and it can be upgraded up to level 15 based on influence, with the requirements outlined in the table below.

Guild Wars are envisioned as a map with 30 fields, each offering different rewards. Some fields include buildings that offer better rewards. Each map will consist of 10 Guilds, ranked by their damage. Guild wars last two weeks (14 days) and comprise 18 rounds. For six days, you will be engaged in warfare, followed by a one-day break each week from Sunday 11:00 to Monday 11:00.

Every day includes three rounds: TIER I, II, III. TIER I lasts from 11:00 -16:50, TIER II lasts from 17:00-04:50, and TIER III lasts from 05:00-10:50. You will notice there is a 10-minute pause between rounds where shooting is temporarily disabled as we collect and save data from the battles. After the completion of 3 rounds, players receive rewards for the fields they occupy during TIER III, which occurs in the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th rounds. To be eligible for rewards, you must deal damage in one of the Tiers I, II, III; no damage means no rewards. Players can collect rewards after TIER III and before the end of the next TIER III. Upon joining the war, you will be able to claim your rewards in just a few seconds, 2-3 minutes after end of TIER III. In the first round, players will be sorted by their power, and in subsequent rounds, by the damage they inflict during the guild war.

If you miss the Monday 11:00 deadline to join or create a Guild, you will have the opportunity to do so in every next TIER I (4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th rounds), and you will be placed in a war where there is space for your Guild.
Each player in the guild has their Soldiers, which can be upgraded. The maximum number of soldiers is 10. Each level of upgrade provides more power but comes at a higher cost in terms of gold and coins. The table below outlines the details for each soldier.

In addition to the guild war, you can accumulate influence by completing single-player missions. These missions are challenging but not impossible, and they offer additional rewards, similar to gold ticket events. By combining the war and these missions, you can earn up to 44 additional rewards. You can also purchase a gold Key to double the rewards for each unlocked level in this reward section (using a system similar to gold tickets).

There will be rewards for players who deal the most damage throughout the event. Everything, including guild and player rankings, will be displayed during the event.

NOTE: We reserve the right to adjust the rewards within the event at any time before the event starts.

We are making significant changes to our system for rewarding returning players, also known as returnees. In our previous system, we provided rewards to players who had not logged into the game for the last 20 days. Now, we’re extending this period to 60 days and enhancing the rewards; this time it’s the Starter Pack. Our primary motivation behind this change is to welcome players back to a dynamic and ever-evolving gaming experience. We understand that a lot can happen in 60 days, and we are committed to making your return to the game an exciting one. We hope that once you are back, you will continue to enjoy the game and all the new attractions it has to offer.

Also we have made one special mission for you to earn starter pack, and it wont be free as before by contacting administrator. Mission is simple, all you have to do is connect accounts from two games and finish up event in game Unity of Heroes.
Due to the incoming funds provided by the starter pack, some of the medals were removed from the game.
NOTE: On day 1,844 (October 23, 2023), True Ally achievements will be removed from the game.
NOTE: On day 1,844 (October 23, 2023), True Revolutionary achievements will be removed from the game.
NOTE: True Patriot achievements continue to exist, continue to count damage, and are given to the citizens while fighting for their country in a war or a resistance war, as they were before said achievements were subsequently inserted.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game. Every construct comment on this article will receive reward next week.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team

Коментарі (33)

Konosuba Goddess Eris best girl

Hm 🤔


=O sounds weird but exciting lets see




Well, we wanted something new... we will have to try, I hope my comment is constructive enough


Hm 🤔


Medals removed for all or just beginners? How are we supposed to earn some gold? Even now we are getting almost no gold from medals?!

Para obtener gold, solo comprando al admin

New value of BH = 30G for balance?

Hm 🤔

Add new medals NOT remove it!!! Are very difficult made gold ingame without shop!

Good job

Sacuvaj Boze.

All bad

Sorry... But, no medals?

Very bad

Oyunu bırak desen daha kısa olurdu.

Very very good

dont remove medals

by removing these medals you just kill 2/3 of the game, what an autogol by admin himself, instead of that you should add new pet (elephant for example)

Admin = 0. 👎

I am disappointed with the admin.😓

Only 26 votes says it all....