Опубліковано в Iran - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 20 Jun 2023 21:12 - 11

Another page of my life book is finished and I will write a new page from today...
I am very happy that I came to erev2 and met new people and friends in game and my alliance...
All of us in the game try to consider the interests of the country and the alliance, and we strive and fight for those interests, So I hope that no one is upset with me until now, This is just a game and should not cause people to insult each other...
I wish you success in life and health o7
Thank you for the translator :)
BunnyliuROMAN DIMITRYRochatRochatRochatRochatKosingas2pingClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark Kentitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitsoitso