Опубліковано в Japan - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 04 Jun 2023 17:41 - 8

Konnichiwa, honorable citizens of Japan and world!
As your Sensei and President,I m honored to present you, the report of month of May!
This report will include the time span of 8th may, when I was igned as the CP of Japan by impeachment law till 5th June, end of my mandate as country president!
I wanna thank the great friend of Japan, Hailipi for giving us a new home, a shelter, without asking anything in return.
Also big thanks, to our mutual friend pavelcho, for arranging everything.
Everything good comes to and end, and so my time at office.
I dont want this to be a wall of text, so I will keep it as short as possible.
As the country president, I have done my best to keep the country despite all internal and external problems, in shape. if I have been successful or not, history will judge.
Foreign affairs
Safer has been a great help, a person which, I always call him my hero, without any flattering and bragging.
He was a bit inactive at start though, but in time he really shined, as was expected.
We have established great relationships with many countries, thanks to his endless efforts, which helped with survival and development of our young state.
Military affairs
Seiko is a great friend and helped me with maintaining our continuous training battles with North Korea, which has been vital for our country, for various reasons and establishment and maintaining state weapon companies, an example of hard work and selflessness.
None expected Diesel to shine like this, his hard work and patience has been exemplary, despite his limited time as a student.
Public relations
Fyreous is someone who installs fear into hearts of our enemies and warms hearts of our friends.
Vice presedency
Otto Skorzeny has been a shining voice always inside and outside of hq.
And special thanks to the rest of the government for helping me with running the country smoothly.
domen97 , Valuk , Nicholaos Fury , Aleksandarr , Fekun ,
May your deeds shall be legendary!
A word with people
And in the end, without you the very great people of the Japan, your endurance and hard work, none of these would be possible!
God bless Japan,
Sensei and the humble servant of people of Japan

SeikoAhileusDieselSaferSaferSaferSaferClark KentOtto Skorzeny