Опубліковано в Serbia - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 12 Jun 2022 08:11 - 10
I thought i was done writing atticles but it seems few more needed to be write
This article will be written as a response from Salah article here https://www.erev2.com/en/article/8321 I figure out how picture can be seen in article so i think this one will be more interesting to read.
So lets start
I would like to know on what truth you think, becouse if you read carefully his articles and mine, truth is something that cant be find in his articles, only deception and manipulation. Maybe it would be better for you to read few more times thoose articles and dont forget comments :)
Its true, i had your contact on discord and on viber to and yes we did spent some time there but all our talk was initiatied by my and my ideas and plans, nothing ever came from you. Its true you shooted if you could when i asked but nothig more then that :(
Who do you think send Bosnia Soldier to India and why? I know it wasnt you, becouse it was me. And no, Peru was in India at that time, while Serbia, China and Romania fought against Bulgaria and at the end left her with core regions and no, there was no help from Saudia Arabia for that time. I know becouse Romania asked Saudia Arabia to DoW Bulgaria and you said no.
Looking forward to this, becouse i will try to see how much demage Saudia Arabia and you will shoot aganst Serbia, demage that was saved and not used in our war aginst Peru and Mexico and war Romania had with Bulgaria and lets not forget aginst Peru while he was in Inida and had conection with Saudia Arabia.

Like i said and you confirmed in your article there is not such thing as hystorical regions and one more thing, just to be clear why Macedonia didnt took back Egypt. It didnt becouse there was no need for her to do it, becouse Serbia gave regions in Italy, Montenegro and Albania to Macedonia. With thoose regions they had 1x100 and 2x80 so becouse of that and Serbia, Saudia Arabia kept her regions in Egypt and lets not forget becouse of our MPP with you, becouse we said we would defend you if they start invasion on you.
Salah, Mexico didnt go neutral. Like i said to them and in my article i wrote about Mexico, i dont have nothing aginst if someone wants to be neutral and not fight any more with us. But they didnt done that. They asked that they DoW us, with exuse they want to cancel MPP battles becouse of War of Nation becouse lot of our people shooted for them when they had war with Chile becouse of pointss. Right after that DoW, they made MPP with USA, Bulgaria, Macedonia and lets not forget Peru, same country they were at war with. When they got their new MPPs, Peru send DoW on us and then they started attacking us directly, while others, USA, Bulgaria and Macedonia shooted for them. Mostly Boby with biggest demage. So, Salah Serbia and i wasnt guilty becouse they went on other side. They were jelous becouse of bonueses and other side probably promised them oil in Austalia. If they stayed with us, they would now have 3x100 and we would hold other three rrare.

Not true, i did talk with Great and all the time i talked with Asmin about the NAP.
Me personaly yes becouse you didnt want to give regions in Egypt to us, dont know what exact others thinks about Saudia Arabia now and Romania, but we will see what moves they will make when my mandat is over. When it comes to Mexico yes to, but we choose to fight for Romania and not to delete Mexico.
This wasnt never a plan: Plan is to make peace agreement with every opponent side for any cost just to keep bonuses and open a new front so far away from Serbia so you can keep little bonuses.
Plan was to open only one war, war Macedonia Saudia Arabia where our side will shoot for you and defend you and their side for Macedonia. That time while we were shooting for you, we would use to make stock and prepare for new war against Mexico, Peru, Bulgaria, USA and Macedonia.
If you were with us all this time and others from your govermant, you would never wrote what you wrote on this last screen shoot. Serbia didnt send DoW on Peru and Mexico, they sent DoW on Serbia and lets not forget China and they shooted against our side a lot. They shooted becouse they wanted to delete us from the map and becouse of that, becouse we wanted to defend ourself and Romania and China, we needed to use our stocks and yes we got drained becouse of three months of constant war with their side and where was Saudia Arabia at that time? Becouse of that i decided to make NAP and if you were with us 100% all this time, you would understand my move, but you just dont get it.
Theres no need for you to think about Serbia, what she will do and how. We have competent and smart players who will continue making Serbia great after i am gone.
President of best country in e-worlds Serbia
This article will be written as a response from Salah article here https://www.erev2.com/en/article/8321 I figure out how picture can be seen in article so i think this one will be more interesting to read.
So lets start

Its true, i had your contact on discord and on viber to and yes we did spent some time there but all our talk was initiatied by my and my ideas and plans, nothing ever came from you. Its true you shooted if you could when i asked but nothig more then that :(

Like i said and you confirmed in your article there is not such thing as hystorical regions and one more thing, just to be clear why Macedonia didnt took back Egypt. It didnt becouse there was no need for her to do it, becouse Serbia gave regions in Italy, Montenegro and Albania to Macedonia. With thoose regions they had 1x100 and 2x80 so becouse of that and Serbia, Saudia Arabia kept her regions in Egypt and lets not forget becouse of our MPP with you, becouse we said we would defend you if they start invasion on you.

Not true, i did talk with Great and all the time i talked with Asmin about the NAP.
Me personaly yes becouse you didnt want to give regions in Egypt to us, dont know what exact others thinks about Saudia Arabia now and Romania, but we will see what moves they will make when my mandat is over. When it comes to Mexico yes to, but we choose to fight for Romania and not to delete Mexico.
This wasnt never a plan: Plan is to make peace agreement with every opponent side for any cost just to keep bonuses and open a new front so far away from Serbia so you can keep little bonuses.
Plan was to open only one war, war Macedonia Saudia Arabia where our side will shoot for you and defend you and their side for Macedonia. That time while we were shooting for you, we would use to make stock and prepare for new war against Mexico, Peru, Bulgaria, USA and Macedonia.

Theres no need for you to think about Serbia, what she will do and how. We have competent and smart players who will continue making Serbia great after i am gone.
President of best country in e-worlds Serbia
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So sad StevanG, even if the answers hit ur face, u dont see them, im starting to think u have a real listening problem, stop saying we were jealous just to justified ur wrong deeds or ur stupid behavior, im tired of see ur excuses, and just make up some issues that obviously u have about controlling and all knowingly as if u were a mind reader, i wasted my time the real problem about serbia and mexico, we are tired that u only decide one sided, we were who defended u in ur night time, but u just keep deciding on ur own, a word, a plan, a consulting, something that any ally needed to be part of an alliance, and u keep doing the same mistake not only with us, with everyone around u, and ur conclusion about probably we went to another alliance because the oil???… u only think that everyone
Thinks around bonuses and regions because its ur mindset, so sad, asmin was screaming that at ur face, that they dont need the bonuses, u can delete mexico even if romania got deleted, but u still thinking about bonuses and regions, its the same in the nap, u offer regions but ur allies needed talks, dialogue, and one more thing, after we joined the other alliance, the oil thing came up as a topic
Not much important, because we prefer to giveaway a region than losing a friend, we accepted the nap because the consideration of our allies that fought so well even when we mexico had so many restrictions, but i bet u wont get it, just cant get in to ur mind, not knowing whats an ally and whats friendship, u just think of everyone as how i can use them to fit my plans

Like a friend that just need a hug, and the other just gives money, and seems more unbelievable when the friends told,
-i just need a hug.
And the other keep saying.
-no u really need the money instead.
Ur ex allies said to u what they needed.
U just ignored them and gave others things

Oh please, who did you defened in night time and aginst who? Really, on my own? You now want to say that we didnt talk, you and i? I know we did and i was honest and opened, but i wander how much did you talk with Romania, Greece and China, you know, your previous MPPs. I am just sorry i didnt saved all my talk with you and Perus cp like i did with asmin. Asmin got what he wanted his war with Bulgaria and no bonuses and no NAP, dont see a problem with that. And yes, to me and us, Romania was more imoprtant then Mexico, so whats the thing, you are jelous now becouse we choose Romania instead of Mexico
The point of this game is to take bonuses for your country and citizens and of course with your allies and share it with them if you cant take them for them also. So oil thing came up as a topic out of the blue sky just right after you joined new alliance and what a suprise they decided you should take it, the country that was just new in alliance, please Primer, i wasnt born yesterday. If someone knows what friendship and allies means thats Serbia and Romania and Saudia Arabia ruined it

@StevanG First congrats on figuring out how to use pictures in articles.
I am impressed by using words manipulation by your side.
First you said that you didnt speak with me, and after seeing evidence you said like its only your initiative.
On other hand you claim that SA did nothing for releasing China , after seeing evidence from our player being there , you again you change course of words to say like again your doing .
I just said that historical is good word ot explain that matter of thing and you said that I said its not? wtf lol ?
Regarding Mexico you say one story, they say another. Now after seeing your honor , I trust them.
All this writing is so I have said my opinion and not to be taken as someone who doesn t care.
Writing extra response is for and only because you asked on my article and in constant messages.
If you still think that you did a right thing and in the light of The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result , I have no desire to discuss it anymore with you.
Alea iacta est.

Where did i said i didnt talk with you? My initiative it was, did you ever sugest something from your side, an idea, plan or action? May i know how did your player released China from Bulgaria?
I know i did a good thing and nor you, Mexico or Romania will change my mind about that, so we had our talk, i think its time to close this subject with you and like i already did with Asmin. Time will tell who was right and who was not. Looking forward to future

Salah dont waste time with stevang, in his eyes he only is right and everyone else is wrong, Salah now we share the same problem, we need to solve it haha

Jajajaja que mamon este compa 🤣
stevans you preferred the event of wars of nations that supported Mexico in the war against Peru and even conspired against it.
Y no digas mamadas mi compa.
Romania was about to be deleted they were left to 1 single region they were humiliated and all because they preferred the bonuses rather than 100% support for Romania in all their battles

Who shooted for Mexico if not Serbia and who agreed with Peru about war with them so you can weaken Serbia and take her demage? Whats the matter, we can chase War of Nation? Says who you? Romania was defended all the time and we shooted more for Romania then Romania shooted for herself. So you can take your lies and you can put them in place sun never gets

Pretty liar like a RL politician

Que hueva de rollo
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