Опубліковано в Serbia - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 09 Jun 2022 22:04 - 23
I will make it simple and clear
Romania after change of resourses if Asmin agreed would have 2x80 and 1x100. She would get limestone from Serbia and cattle as well. No, geting rubber from Hungary would not mean war. In all this time we had good relationship with Hungary and i know they would do that becouse of us. You asked for screenshoot from my talk with Bulgaria and USA, heres the one where they agree for your route for Poland https://prnt.sc/JTw4wMGwnAAc . Yes, idea from limestone came from you and i said it was from you and i agreed on her later on and wanted to execute it with Bulgaria, Peru and Romania, but you didnt want that. When you didnt put all the talk we had after that message you send me and not showing what my response was, you showed your real face to me, so yes, i believe to other side, Sasuke, Boby and Dido. And you had the courage to say that i didnt respond anything, but i did https://prnt.sc/AgAEyvGia1aL https://prnt.sc/JAn4hheIAA2P https://prnt.sc/xHph8101tCe7 So, Asmin F*** OFF
In my scenario Romania would have 2x80 and 1x100, 100% tax refund option ifrom Serbia f they want to use it and good position for next change of resourses. There would be no need to defend the rws becouse of NAP between Romania and Bulgaria and NAP with other coountries as well
But that didnt happend, Asmin wanted his war with Bulgaria to continue and he got that and that meant that Romania would be deleted and left without bonuses and regions and that will probably happen.
I would like to ask a question, why all this when you said this https://prnt.sc/nc4O4nHjrbS9 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I tried to make a deal for Romania, you didnt let it happen, so yes, we made deal with other countreis and you got your war with Bulgaria, so WHAT IS THE PROBLEM ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I am done with Romania as long as you are her cp like i said on world chat https://prnt.sc/Doq0ilBI54nl
When it comes to China and Saudia Arabia, Saudia Arabia got 1x100, bonus on house and China got no bonuses. Yes i could give fruits in Russia to China, but that would mean that war with their side will continue and i didnt wanted that, i wanted peace and NAP for Serbia, China and Romania. Saudia Arabia would have 1x100, war and of course lesson.
Do you really think that Romania could get to Russia and fruits in war against Bulgaria after new change of resourses and active war after i am gone from active playning this game and heling you and Serbia ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Asmin, dont make me laught :D You are a bad CP, probably the worst one ever and when it comes to tatctic and strategy you dont know nothing.
So, the end result would be, Bulgaria with fruits on 100% from Russia and of house also 100% and Peru or Mexico would get 100% in fruits in South Africa. I know, that, their side knows that and Bulgaria knows that also.
And lets not forget who controles UKRAINE AND RUSSIA,????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Its not you Asmin and its not our side as well, other side controles Ukraine and Russia, most likely Bulgaria and USA. Do you really think they will let you have it?
ONE MORE THING TO BE KNOWN, after everthing asmin told to me i still continued to think about other citizens of Serbia and Romania https://prnt.sc/l5OFUHbThqOI and https://prnt.sc/fj9H1NeddCLQ
Thats all folks, i think i covered all. If you have any question leave them in comments
President of best country in world Serbia
Romania after change of resourses if Asmin agreed would have 2x80 and 1x100. She would get limestone from Serbia and cattle as well. No, geting rubber from Hungary would not mean war. In all this time we had good relationship with Hungary and i know they would do that becouse of us. You asked for screenshoot from my talk with Bulgaria and USA, heres the one where they agree for your route for Poland https://prnt.sc/JTw4wMGwnAAc . Yes, idea from limestone came from you and i said it was from you and i agreed on her later on and wanted to execute it with Bulgaria, Peru and Romania, but you didnt want that. When you didnt put all the talk we had after that message you send me and not showing what my response was, you showed your real face to me, so yes, i believe to other side, Sasuke, Boby and Dido. And you had the courage to say that i didnt respond anything, but i did https://prnt.sc/AgAEyvGia1aL https://prnt.sc/JAn4hheIAA2P https://prnt.sc/xHph8101tCe7 So, Asmin F*** OFF
In my scenario Romania would have 2x80 and 1x100, 100% tax refund option ifrom Serbia f they want to use it and good position for next change of resourses. There would be no need to defend the rws becouse of NAP between Romania and Bulgaria and NAP with other coountries as well
But that didnt happend, Asmin wanted his war with Bulgaria to continue and he got that and that meant that Romania would be deleted and left without bonuses and regions and that will probably happen.
I would like to ask a question, why all this when you said this https://prnt.sc/nc4O4nHjrbS9 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I tried to make a deal for Romania, you didnt let it happen, so yes, we made deal with other countreis and you got your war with Bulgaria, so WHAT IS THE PROBLEM ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I am done with Romania as long as you are her cp like i said on world chat https://prnt.sc/Doq0ilBI54nl
When it comes to China and Saudia Arabia, Saudia Arabia got 1x100, bonus on house and China got no bonuses. Yes i could give fruits in Russia to China, but that would mean that war with their side will continue and i didnt wanted that, i wanted peace and NAP for Serbia, China and Romania. Saudia Arabia would have 1x100, war and of course lesson.
Do you really think that Romania could get to Russia and fruits in war against Bulgaria after new change of resourses and active war after i am gone from active playning this game and heling you and Serbia ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Asmin, dont make me laught :D You are a bad CP, probably the worst one ever and when it comes to tatctic and strategy you dont know nothing.
So, the end result would be, Bulgaria with fruits on 100% from Russia and of house also 100% and Peru or Mexico would get 100% in fruits in South Africa. I know, that, their side knows that and Bulgaria knows that also.
And lets not forget who controles UKRAINE AND RUSSIA,????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Its not you Asmin and its not our side as well, other side controles Ukraine and Russia, most likely Bulgaria and USA. Do you really think they will let you have it?
ONE MORE THING TO BE KNOWN, after everthing asmin told to me i still continued to think about other citizens of Serbia and Romania https://prnt.sc/l5OFUHbThqOI and https://prnt.sc/fj9H1NeddCLQ
Thats all folks, i think i covered all. If you have any question leave them in comments
President of best country in world Serbia
carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2carf2Коментарі (23)

I agreed that probably is the best country, all serbians responded in battle, even if u as cp made mistakes, they fought bravely and made that serbia hold the resources until now, u could do better things or decision?, of course a lot to improve, but thats it, no one can change the past, just look foward

You are getting a little desperate Stevan in showing that you are right and I am wrong... stay chill to not do a commotion or something....

Fu** off

Truth hurts Stevan thats why you are mad... but don t lie now that you proposed the 2x80 and 1x100.. that was said as a question from you and that would not have been accepted from Bulgaria and as I told you and I stay on the same idea.... I DO NOT WANT NAP .. I DO NOT NEED NAP... you discussed it without the rest OF YOUR TEAM behind closed doors ... trusting the ENEMY more than your own ALLY TEAM... and that is it... LIKE IT OR NOT you are a person that does this kind of stuff to your own people because you APPRECIATE more BONUSES than your OWN ALLIANCE !!!

I have met some bad persions in this game but you are the worst of them. I have showned to the world your real face and now everyone can see who you are and who you were from the start. I didnt wanted to see that, but know i see. 2x80 and 1x100 would be possible, you think Peru wouldnt wanted 3x100 and to leave Serbia with 2x100. If you said yes after my message we would have done it https://prnt.sc/gI_qc3UfPUH5 I would give Peru granite in Chile and ask from Bulgaria granite in Ukraine , but you said no and i didnt talk with them.
The group i work with and run Serbia, you really think i didnt told them what i was planing to do and how
China is Serbia and Serbia is China. When it comes to Saudia Arabia, like i sad, they would have 1x100 and war, that i did not want longer to stop. So Asmin, you can kiss my hairy ass, i am done with you 

I am mad on myself becouse i let my self believe that you are my friend and i mad on my self for the time and energy i gave for Romania and you. But you have showned now that you are my worst enemy. I am sorry for my self not seeing that before, i could have saved so much time and energy. But its ok, it a lesson for me, the one i will not forget

You are dumber than I thought
https://prnt.sc/ZlKhdlo4l_vn https://prnt.sc/6cwy9s5-U575
You said ith your own words BG wou;d never let UKR or UKR house bonus to us... and now you are saying the other way around just to look good... that you finaly proposed me to have bonuses instead of BG
... be serioussssss
... ot was juat a joke of a proposal from you, one that you alone said will never happen.. And I told you already ... WE DO NOT NEED NAP.. get use to it...

Look at the dates and time: https://prnt.sc/n6No5EYZeCMy https://prnt.sc/NmUQSWWyDjmR My response, check time and date https://prnt.sc/bdKF7EqWyEeM Like i said, i was willing to make it happend and it would happen but you didnt want that to happen

https://prnt.sc/BNHWvlQyy7Om One contradiction after the other... stop being stupid ... come on... YOU WILLINGLY LET THEM have it .. ofcourse they ill not renounce on it... after you gave it to them... and for what .. for you to make 3x100... you said it yourself you wanted 3x100 for yourself and for Serbia.. how would you renounce on it to give it to RO ... BE REAL !!!
.... Stop making a full of yourself saying one thing, thinking another thing, than saying the opposite thing and thinking behind what else you can say to make me look bad... I said it a milion times.. want me to repeat it again and again... RO never went after bonuses when I was CP cause we know we can not keep them in this part of the map .. in central Europe WAR.. (not on this server lol with this kind of economic situation cause its bad for attracting new players) .. we left you have the bonuses and we stood in the back... BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN you can consider yourself on top of me and to boss me around.. I SAID NO TO NAP and get used to it... MY MEN know hard times awaits us... but we are not going to lick where we spit when it comes to our enemies like you do for your PERSONAL interests... and I refer myself to BG when I say enemies.. You seam to do that when it comes to MEXICO, even though I told you you can CONCENTRATE ON DELETING THEM instead of helping us not be deleted.. cause it was a metter of time.. but you had another agenda 

We would give granit in Chile to Peru, Peru would have 3x100. For granite in Chile, i would ask granite in Ukraine from Bulgaria to give to Romania. So, Serbia would have 2x100, Romania 1x100, Saduia Arabia 1x100 and Peru 3x100

Also you say HUNs would of given with no WAR a region they control just cause you tell them.. BE REAL... even a child would contradict you there... Anyone sane with all his neurons knows the tension and conflict behind RO and HUN, and for them to give part of their bonus free to RO would be a miracle bigger than Putin to kill himself
You are blabing nonsense just to cover your ass after you know you did wrong and that is normal, but to think you can say foolish stuff like that is crazy... LEARN FROM THIS at least this thing... NEXT TIME CONSIDER YOUR ALLIES EQUAL TO YOU NOT INFERIOR. AND WITH THIS I SAID IT ALL .. BB o/

It is not ok what you are doing, putting one part of our talk and not putting the others that came after it. When i talk about a deal, i start from one point and then move. I give offer and see if other side will accpet it, if not i ask for their offer and then we talk and try to do something if it can be done. I offered so many thing to you and the final offer i gave was 100% on house bonuse for Romania, granite from Bulgaria for Romania and we would give granite to Peru from Chile. If you have agreed, i would give 100% tax refund. But in situation you would have 2x80 and 1x100, i dont think you would use it to much. You didnt accepted it. I text Bulgaria, i was curious if they would accpet the offer if i send it to them before if you said that you are for that and this was their answer https://prnt.sc/4d2wFHlDjeKE

What offer have you put to RO and SA before you talked to the ENEMY SIDE...? Be real... you are contradicting yourself again...

Like i said, i move from one point and go next doring my talks. SA would have war with Macedonia and 1x100 and end offer for Romania on table was 2x80 and 1x100 and 100% tax refund i would be willing to give

And linking CONVO from you and Dildo from today is not timebased before you talked to me... its just NOW to cover your ass... and may I even incline it.. ITS FABRICATED between you and him to COVER YOUR ASS of being so stupid to say once one thing and than another... While you said it yourself BG would never have given RO HOUSE BONUS from UKR. So shhhhh... go do your thing and stop making a full of yourself.. REAL DIPLOMATS OFFER THEIR ALLIES FIRST THE BETTER DEAL and only after their enemies.. NOT YOU... you are JUST NOW trying to cover your ass with OFFERS YOU HAVE NOT MADE IN THE START.. INSTEAD YOU GREEDY LITTLE THING wanted all for yourself and for YOUR BUDDY BUDDIES in the OPPOSITE GROUP

It seemes you dont know how to read. Lets do it again. I did wrote that they probaby wont give, but after you and i talked in next messages between you and i i said i could talk with them and see what they think. But you said, no. So i didnt talk with them. You got your war and we made deal. Yes, Romania will be deleted and so will you

I will say only this cause I do not like polemics and long talks. Funny thing is Bulgaria thinks of a TW and considers stronger but does not dare to do a 1vs1 as Asmin proposed
that is interesting...

No BH... the funny thing is Stevan tells us to both me and Dildo the same thing... He tells them BG is stronger and he tells me RO is stronger
... tactics...
... or should I say icecream licking? 

I dont think i said Romania was strong, please remind me where i did it. Yes, Bulgaria is stronger then Romania. I knew we needed to defend you all the time so they dont delete you. Its not strange that Bulgary holds Russia, Ukraine, Georga and other countries and what asmin do you hold?

In that case Boby is stronger than you cause it seams you have not done a good job for your allies
... you greedy little thing only though of yourself while being CP not about the people around you that kept you on the MAP so long instead of everyone being on top of you cause admit it or not Boby and BG + Mexic and Peru would have erased you long ago if e did not stood as thorn in their ass to bugger them as much as needed for you to hold your precious bonuses
... else why you would need a NAP ?
if you consider yourself stronger than the opposite side... just for the sake of WORLD WIDE kissing with your enemies ?


I have RL, responsibilities and duties, cant be present on the game all the time
About your question, we manage to keep demage from Boby with coassss and Moonshadow doing 40% of total demage Serbia does and the rest comes from other players and MU from Serbia. That demage was used for Mexico and Peru and like i said before we used a lot of PTOted countries and other tactic to take more demage from them and gain advantage over them. One part of demage Serbia does we used for Romania. If Romania was stronger then Bulgaria you would have regions they now have. But no, you allow your self to be conored in core and i did propose to you what to do about that , but you didnt lisen. So, yes Romania is on the map becouse Serbia and yes, Serbia is not deleted as we have shown that we can figth to direct battle and help Romania and be in direct and indirect war with five countries. But now, Romania is going to be deleted and there will be no more help from my side for her

We shell see.....