Опубліковано в Serbia - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 02 Apr 2022 12:39 - 14
Želeo bih da obavestim građane eSerbije i njene saveznike, da nažalost, Meksiko više nije u našem savezu. Nedavno smo dobili poruku od strane njihove vlade da više ne žele da budu sa nama u savezu i da žele da nastave bez nas.
Kao vlada i zemlja nemamo ništa protiv toga, u redu je da ako zemlja želi da nastavi sama da to i uradi, ali nije u redu da posle par dana poništavanja MPP sporazuma sa Srbijom potpiše MPP sporazume sa nekim od zemalja koje su neprijateljski nastrojene prema našem savezu i da puca protiv zemalja sa kojima je do nedavno imala MPP sporazum, sa Srbijom, Rumunijom i Turskom. Nažalost, MPP sporazum između Rumunije i Meksika nije takođe obnovljen .
Najveće iznenađenje od svih je bilo ubedljivo potpisan MPP sporazumom sa Peruom. Želeo bih da podsetim građane da je Meksiko do skora bio u aktivnom ratu sa Peruom i naša vojska je pružala značajnu podršku Meksiku u tom ratu, koji je paralelno trajao sa našom podrškom Kini i Rumuniji protiv Bugarske. Pucali smo na Q5 DS sistem sa 25% umanjenom štetom da bi ispoštovali naš MPP sporazum sa njima. Pojedini naši igrači su odlučivali ceo tok bitke u njihovu korist.
Navedeno upučuje na zaključak da je nažalost Meksiko sa trenutnim predsednikom i vladom već dugo planirao da pređe u suprotan savez i da izda kako eSrbiju, tako i eRumuniju. Postoje određeni dokazi i tvrdnje, da je prethodni rat između Perua i Meksika bio veštačke prirode, sa ciljem da se odvuče šteta eSrbije i da se oslabi sa tim ratom.
Nadam se da cela zajednica eMeksika nije učestvovala u ovom poduhvatu, tako nešto bi bilo veoma razočaravajuće.
Žao mi je što je odnos između eMeksika i eSrbije otišao u tom smeru. Ne nalazimo sa naše strane razloge za tako nešto.
Nadam se da će u budućnosti možda dođi do boljih odnosa za eMeksiko i eSrbiju, kao i eRumuniju.
Želeo bih da iskoristim ovu priliku da pozovem igrače iz eMeksika koji se ne slažu sa pravcem u kome eMeksiko ide, kao ni stvarima koje je trenutna vlada uradila da na sledećim izborima za e-predsednika izaberu predstavnika koji će opet uspostaviti dobe i korektne odnose između eMeksika i eSrbije i eRumunije, koji su bili pre svega ovoga bili korektni i otvoreni i koje kao takve i treba nastaviti.
Predsednik eSrbije,
English version:
I would like to inform the citizens of eSerbia and its allies, that unfortunately, Mexico is no longer in our alliance. We recently received a message from their government that they no longer want to be with us in the alliance and that they want to continue without us.
As a government and a country, we have nothing against that, it is okay if the country wants to continue to alone, but it is not okay to sign MPP agreements with some of the countries that are hostile to our alliance. after a few days of annulling the MPP agreement with Serbia and to shoot against countries with which Meksiko had MPP agreement until recently, with Serbia, Romania and Turkey. Unfortunately, the MPP agreement between Romania and Mexico has not been renewed either.
The biggest surprise of all was signed MPP agreement with Peru. I would like to remind the citizens that until recently Mexico was in an active war with Peru and our army provided significant support to Mexico in that war, which lasted in parallel with our support for China and Romania against Bulgaria. We shot at the Q5 DS system with 25% reduced damage to honor our MPP agreement with them. Some of our players decided the whole course of the battle in their favor.
This points to the conclusion that, unfortunately, Mexico, with the current president and government, has long planned to move to the opposite alliance and betray both eSerbia and eRomania. There is some evidence and claims that the previous war between Peru and Mexico was artificial in nature, with the aim of taking away the damage from eSerbia and weakening it with that war.
I hope that the entire eMexico community did not participate in this endeavor, something like that would be very disappointing.
I am sorry that the relationship between eMexico and eSerbia has gone in that direction. We do not find any reasons from our side for such a thing to happen.
I hope that in the future there may be better relations for eMexico and eSerbia, as well as eRomania.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite players from eMexico who do not agree with the direction in which eMexico is going, as well as the things the current government has done to elect a representative in the next presidential election who will re-establish good and fair relations between eMexico and eSerbia and eRomania, which were before good and honest and which as such should be continued.
President of eSerbia,
Kao vlada i zemlja nemamo ništa protiv toga, u redu je da ako zemlja želi da nastavi sama da to i uradi, ali nije u redu da posle par dana poništavanja MPP sporazuma sa Srbijom potpiše MPP sporazume sa nekim od zemalja koje su neprijateljski nastrojene prema našem savezu i da puca protiv zemalja sa kojima je do nedavno imala MPP sporazum, sa Srbijom, Rumunijom i Turskom. Nažalost, MPP sporazum između Rumunije i Meksika nije takođe obnovljen .
Najveće iznenađenje od svih je bilo ubedljivo potpisan MPP sporazumom sa Peruom. Želeo bih da podsetim građane da je Meksiko do skora bio u aktivnom ratu sa Peruom i naša vojska je pružala značajnu podršku Meksiku u tom ratu, koji je paralelno trajao sa našom podrškom Kini i Rumuniji protiv Bugarske. Pucali smo na Q5 DS sistem sa 25% umanjenom štetom da bi ispoštovali naš MPP sporazum sa njima. Pojedini naši igrači su odlučivali ceo tok bitke u njihovu korist.
Navedeno upučuje na zaključak da je nažalost Meksiko sa trenutnim predsednikom i vladom već dugo planirao da pređe u suprotan savez i da izda kako eSrbiju, tako i eRumuniju. Postoje određeni dokazi i tvrdnje, da je prethodni rat između Perua i Meksika bio veštačke prirode, sa ciljem da se odvuče šteta eSrbije i da se oslabi sa tim ratom.
Nadam se da cela zajednica eMeksika nije učestvovala u ovom poduhvatu, tako nešto bi bilo veoma razočaravajuće.
Žao mi je što je odnos između eMeksika i eSrbije otišao u tom smeru. Ne nalazimo sa naše strane razloge za tako nešto.
Nadam se da će u budućnosti možda dođi do boljih odnosa za eMeksiko i eSrbiju, kao i eRumuniju.
Želeo bih da iskoristim ovu priliku da pozovem igrače iz eMeksika koji se ne slažu sa pravcem u kome eMeksiko ide, kao ni stvarima koje je trenutna vlada uradila da na sledećim izborima za e-predsednika izaberu predstavnika koji će opet uspostaviti dobe i korektne odnose između eMeksika i eSrbije i eRumunije, koji su bili pre svega ovoga bili korektni i otvoreni i koje kao takve i treba nastaviti.
Predsednik eSrbije,
English version:
I would like to inform the citizens of eSerbia and its allies, that unfortunately, Mexico is no longer in our alliance. We recently received a message from their government that they no longer want to be with us in the alliance and that they want to continue without us.
As a government and a country, we have nothing against that, it is okay if the country wants to continue to alone, but it is not okay to sign MPP agreements with some of the countries that are hostile to our alliance. after a few days of annulling the MPP agreement with Serbia and to shoot against countries with which Meksiko had MPP agreement until recently, with Serbia, Romania and Turkey. Unfortunately, the MPP agreement between Romania and Mexico has not been renewed either.
The biggest surprise of all was signed MPP agreement with Peru. I would like to remind the citizens that until recently Mexico was in an active war with Peru and our army provided significant support to Mexico in that war, which lasted in parallel with our support for China and Romania against Bulgaria. We shot at the Q5 DS system with 25% reduced damage to honor our MPP agreement with them. Some of our players decided the whole course of the battle in their favor.
This points to the conclusion that, unfortunately, Mexico, with the current president and government, has long planned to move to the opposite alliance and betray both eSerbia and eRomania. There is some evidence and claims that the previous war between Peru and Mexico was artificial in nature, with the aim of taking away the damage from eSerbia and weakening it with that war.
I hope that the entire eMexico community did not participate in this endeavor, something like that would be very disappointing.
I am sorry that the relationship between eMexico and eSerbia has gone in that direction. We do not find any reasons from our side for such a thing to happen.
I hope that in the future there may be better relations for eMexico and eSerbia, as well as eRomania.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite players from eMexico who do not agree with the direction in which eMexico is going, as well as the things the current government has done to elect a representative in the next presidential election who will re-establish good and fair relations between eMexico and eSerbia and eRomania, which were before good and honest and which as such should be continued.
President of eSerbia,
GovedoZICERSRBIJANACbhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojebhrvojeHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersHermersPlayer88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Player88Boris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris SkossyreffBoris Skossyreffbanko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76banko76vidojkovidojkovidojkovidojkovidojkoSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACSRBIJANACOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingOtis ReddingModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty BlaiseModesty Blaisepsy4akpsy4akpsy4akpsy4akpsy4akpsy4akpsy4akpsy4akPasRatunkowyPasRatunkowyPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumPalladiumTBPTKOTBPTKOTBPTKOcoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoasssscoassssNeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiONeGluRiOSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid RowSkid Rowchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvchaknorriskvkosta1basElCommandoElCommandoSIRVAMPIROКоментарі (14)

Bulgarians of North America...

haha who say it? who betray first and do business underwater, how much hypocrisy do u have? but its alright maybe its to calm ur people and dont want to face ur acts, nothing more to add

Its hard for some to live in the shadows of others I guess...

Serbian traitor, do you think they can negotiate with the enemy for bonuses and for the tournament and get away with it? that doesn t make him an ally

Jajajajajjajajajajjaja! lero-lero!
Bien merecido por altivos!
Hail México O/!

https://prnt.sc/qqdnjqldwaFF https://prnt.sc/DayWZenTm07a https://prnt.sc/wqWAaFmQL_XW

. I .

Eso no estuvo chido

Mentiras... Abandonados en las dos batallas más importantes... Puedes ver este artículo y no ver a Serbia aparecer:
Veamos pues que tanto les aprovecho el torneo y los bonus que solo pidieron con más mentiras

Tataras! Hahahahahahah

https://prnt.sc/hs_g3Jr6WRGf https://prnt.sc/e9X0dUVuWLJ1https://prnt.sc/jnUUeL-K6SmH https://prnt.sc/7SJ_nxIcFIJZ https://prnt.sc/t0FF5TeL-4AN https://prnt.sc/VjHRrCTpqshT https://prnt.sc/LDrqPqa5r8W-

Just imagine me, fighting a lot against Peru since I came here, sometimes participating in the shitpostingin Spanish for stuff like that in the global feed...
Then I found that an ally (Which I usually tried to help when I can) use us for make their bussines underwater...
We are not the dog guard of anyone... We are proud people, and we will not allot anyone to use us as their meatball canon.

What meatball canon, what business underwater, what is wrong with you people???

the war was real, there were deaths, banned by the Peruvian side, total massacre, we ran out of players and they say fictitious hahaha