Опубліковано в Belarus - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 27 Sep 2021 10:12 - 40
Dear Players,
With this admin news we will share with you some updates which we have prepared with you and new event.
Beyond the limits 
We are giving back event which you have called a most lately to add. It is called Beyond the Limit, lasting from 08.10 until 24.10. We imagined it in a way it profiles those best of the best, nationwide and worldwide. You will collect points based on your activities in game, be it work, train, fight, build companies etc. There will be two categories, individual and top nation, and only those most worthy will receive shiny new medals on their profiles. We have made some visual changes for event and you will be able to see table with points whole time. Also in same table you will be able to see process of gaining points.
These are points for things you can do in game and you will get points instantly after you finish each one of it. As much task you do more points you gain. It's simple event like in first place when we lunched it. This time you will see progress of some things like using workers, RPG, Weapons etc... So you will know how much you are missing until gaining points.
There will be two leaderboards. First one will be World Wide leaderboard where all players are fighting for their places. Second leaderboard will be separate for each Country, we hope that will make you enjoy event and show that you are the best player in your Country.
This is new event in game, and this will be easy one for October. October is in front of us we hope that you love Beer so you can enjoy Oktoberfest event. Event start 15.10 and last until 24.10

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open barrels of beer. There is 100 barrels in this mini game of which 40 of them have beer (experience).With each click on barrel you are opening it, you can earn Points for event or you will just break barrel and get wooden boards. Wooden boards do not bring you anything except loosing attempt onto opening Barrel while when you open barrel and get beer mug you gain points and rewards. Each attempt for opening barrel cost you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be so often online to spend Energy. IF you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.
INFO BOARD - As we have already sent msg to players with information about changing medal system after 940 medal (True Revolutionary, True Patriot, True Ally) For every next medal you will need 500 Millions damage more than for previous one. For Example. If you have 1000 True Patriot medals, for 1001 True Patriot medal you will need medal which you needed for 1000 + 500 Millions, and for 1002 medal you will need 1001 + 500 Millions. For every next medal you will need 500 million more damage. Everything under 940 medal remain same.
- Changes will be applied from 01.10 in Strategic Buildings, to build Missile now you need x2 more items than you needed before. Also damage from missiles have been boosted x5 times. Table is shown below.
- We have changed also duration of Hospital and Defense System, from 20 days its reduced to 15 days. This is effective from 01.10.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,

With this admin news we will share with you some updates which we have prepared with you and new event.

We are giving back event which you have called a most lately to add. It is called Beyond the Limit, lasting from 08.10 until 24.10. We imagined it in a way it profiles those best of the best, nationwide and worldwide. You will collect points based on your activities in game, be it work, train, fight, build companies etc. There will be two categories, individual and top nation, and only those most worthy will receive shiny new medals on their profiles. We have made some visual changes for event and you will be able to see table with points whole time. Also in same table you will be able to see process of gaining points.

These are points for things you can do in game and you will get points instantly after you finish each one of it. As much task you do more points you gain. It's simple event like in first place when we lunched it. This time you will see progress of some things like using workers, RPG, Weapons etc... So you will know how much you are missing until gaining points.
There will be two leaderboards. First one will be World Wide leaderboard where all players are fighting for their places. Second leaderboard will be separate for each Country, we hope that will make you enjoy event and show that you are the best player in your Country.

This is new event in game, and this will be easy one for October. October is in front of us we hope that you love Beer so you can enjoy Oktoberfest event. Event start 15.10 and last until 24.10

Game is really simple. All you have to do is open barrels of beer. There is 100 barrels in this mini game of which 40 of them have beer (experience).With each click on barrel you are opening it, you can earn Points for event or you will just break barrel and get wooden boards. Wooden boards do not bring you anything except loosing attempt onto opening Barrel while when you open barrel and get beer mug you gain points and rewards. Each attempt for opening barrel cost you 5 Energy, every 28 minutes and 46 Seconds you receive 1 Energy point. With each level you gain your maximum energy is growing so you do not have to be so often online to spend Energy. IF you are not patient you can buy Energy from store
Like in all new events we are providing you 44 rewards of which first is free, and you can buy Gold ticket for additional rewards.

- Changes will be applied from 01.10 in Strategic Buildings, to build Missile now you need x2 more items than you needed before. Also damage from missiles have been boosted x5 times. Table is shown below.

- We have changed also duration of Hospital and Defense System, from 20 days its reduced to 15 days. This is effective from 01.10.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,

KosingasChocolataPasta93Clark KentКоментарі (40)









What about War of nations and Flappy parrot events?

Siempre innovando en el ámbito de los juegos, eres grande Admin
Dame recompensas

#TeamEris best goddess




Good Job, Bravo !!!



Where is fish?


@Admin, I couldnt redeem my last mission, it failed while I was trying yesterday and DC happened.

We want new ranks









i have noticed that 9 oct it is the second day that the contor of daily tasks does not count correct my points or has a huge delay to count them, and so work and train and DO plus using the H, also TP, TA and TR remain marked as 0/1, also using the EBs and spending weaps plus RPG do not count the temporary ones, but i am not sure even for regulary ones...