Опубліковано в Poland - Фінансовий аналіз - 03 Jun 2021 08:11 - 4

35 Gold
150 Workers
150x Energy Bars
+100% Productivity (+15 days)
How much do you earn by using business pack or how much you should pay to buy it from other player.
Worker cost around 1gold in bigger countries so pack already with only gold and workers is worth around 185gold
How much do you earn with 100% productivity
*100% bonuses only, best quality and full workers, excluding houses.
Weapons q7
With normal productivity you need 5500 Raw materials and you get 440 wep q7.
Wep materials cost around 0.0010g per 1 so it is 5.5g for materials.
You need 10 workers. 1 worker around 1 gold. So 10 gold for one company.
You need to spend around 15.5g for 440 wep q7.
With Business pack you need 11000 Raw materials and you get 880 wep q7.
Wep materials cost you 11g
Workers 10g per company
You need to spend around 21g for 880 wep q7.
If you sell 1k wep q7 for 38g.
1 wep cost 0.038g
From business pack you get additional 440 weps for 5.5g
So with quick maths for 440 weps you get 16.72g - 5.5g = 11.22g
So on daily with one company q7 you earn more 11.22gold
11.22gold x 15 = 168.3 gold
+168,3 gold per company in 15 days.
Food q5
With normal productivity you need 4400 Raw materials and you get 2200 food q5.
Food materials cost around 0.0012g/0.0013g per 1 so it is 5.28g/5.72g for materials.
You need 10 workers. 1 worker around 1 gold. So 10 gold for one company.
You need to spend around 15.28g/15.72g for 2200 food q5.
With Business pack you need 8800 Raw materials and you get 4400 food q5.
Food materials cost you 10.56g/11.44g
Workers 10g per company
You need to spend around 20.56g/21.44g for 4400 food q5.
If you sell 1.3k energy for 1g.
1 food cost 0.0077g
From business pack you get additional 2200 food for 10.56g/11.44g
So with quick maths for 2200 food you get 16.94g - 5.2g/5.72g = 11.74g/11.22g
So on daily with one company q7 you earn more 11.74g/11.22g
11.74g/11.22g x 15 = 176,1g/168.3g
+176,1g/168.3g per company in 15 days.
Cost of Raw materials could change since with this business pack people need more materials.
With houses it is more complicated because you are selling every quality in HP, different quality have more or less workers.