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Un obicei/ A custom

Опубліковано в Romania - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 28 May 2021 06:53 - 2

Acest obicei îl am din adolescență, și mă bucur că nu m-am debarasat de el
.Îmi place să mă plimb prin  natură, pe ulițele satelor si orașelor.
Surprind prin fotografii frumusețea cum o văd eu, am descoperit propriul meu univers.

 I have this custom from adolescence and I glad that I don’t  dumped the custom. 
I like to walk through the Nature, and the villages and cities streets. 
 I catpure in photos  the beauty how see it  myself, I descovered my own univers.https://i.ibb.co/zJZw7Hc/IMG-20210525-152448635-HDR.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/HDgdfZf/IMG-20210525-152459007-HDR.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/KxBxxbC/IMG-20210526-120008598.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/QPh4dhb/IMG-20210526-115858072.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/NV4SsJ6/IMG-20210526-115559150-HDR.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/hKH3n21/IMG-20210526-115607354.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/gjvT05g/IMG-20210523-174200207.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/T2NzfmQ/IMG-20210523-173757135.jpghttps://i.ibb.co/JRC2Qck/IMG-20210523-173814397.jpg

enjoy the eRevollution2



Коментарі (2)

Nice o7
Thank you Smile