Опубліковано в Romania - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 11 Dec 2020 15:26 - 0
Fiecare om este unic și frumos. Prietenia iubește fără condiții, dăruiește fără motive și ține la cineva fără explicații...
Hrisostom Filipescu
Every human is unique and beautiful. Friendship loves unconditionally,
speaks without intentions, gives without reasons and cares for someone
without explanation ...
Hrisostom Filipescu
“Apollo 11 launch being projected onto the Washington monument for the 50th anniversary of the launch.”
"This Athlete, Marios Giannakou, Carried A Disabled Biology Student Named Eleftheria To The Top Of Mount Olympus, Her Dream"
"We Need More Playgrounds Like This"
"I'm A Lone Dad That's Shaved My Head All My Life, I'm Learning How To Do
Different Hairstyles For My Daughter With The Help Of Youtube Videos,
I'm Proud Of This Plait"
"My Husband Surprised Me By Leaving These Encouraging Notes For Me This Morning"
“In 1959, a coffee maker was an optional extra in Volkswagen cars.”
“The level of detail on the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome which was completed around AD 193”
“Saturn's hexagon-shaped north pole storm.”
“Underwater waterfall (Mauritius island)”
“Tiny fossils I've collected to use in making science-themed jewelry. These
are from the Devonian, 400 million years ago, across time, and now,
sitting here in the palm of my hand.”
“Scottish Town Arnprior painted wiggly lines on a straight road to confuse and slow down fast drivers.”
“The Beatles and their sons.”
Philosophy Of Fre
Soviet Space Shuttles, Kazakhstan
Iată-ne ajunși la finalul acestui episod al pozuțelor de vineri, vă doresc din
toată inima să aveți un weekend pe măsura așteptărilor voastre, să
aveți parte de multe momente fericite, care să devină ușor amintiri de
păstrat în suflet pentru totdeauna!
Să aveți grijă de suflețelele voastre și nu uitați să...zâmbiți!!!
Here we are at the end of this episode of Friday's funny pics, I wish you
with all my heart to have a weekend that meets your expectations, to
have many happy moments, which will easily become memories to keep in
your soul forever!
Take care of your souls and don't forget to ... smile !!!
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