Опубліковано в Peru - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 12 Nov 2020 08:14 - 107
Dear Players
Winter is coming so are new stuff which we have prepared for you. We will give you some things which you saw already and something new.
Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will start at game day 777 and it will last to game day 807 (Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed,
Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with
a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.
This event begins 770 game day and lasts until 800. Every day at Day change, a player will receive 2 dice which he/she can use in the event. Each field on the
board contains a prize of some sort, and you will receive the one where your
dice brings you. You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will
have 5% chance per hit to receive additional dice. Another way to receive additional dice is by buying gold packs from the Store. After you
collect all prizes from a board, it will reset and you will be able to collect
the prizes again from the beginning.
This time we have also added something new, after you complete 8x table of Lucky Dice you will be able to claim new Pet for free.
As you already saw in the game, we have implemented pets and as you suggested we did make some things to improve them. Today we present you new pet which will add you Energy or speed up your recovery. Below this
text we will show you how we imagine these attributes for pet.
From 1-50 level +400 Energy
Additional bonuses by levels:
From 10-19 level -10second recovery
From 20-29 level -20second recovery
From 30+ level -30second recovery

Also below your profile information about gold money energy you have timers to feed pet. Timer will show up when you have less than 24 hours to feed pet.
From today you are able to change name of your Pet in Edit profile.
Black Friday start at 784 game day and it will last until 788 game day (last day). We have prepared lot of things to buy, packs additional dices and discounts in mentioned period.


We will add Gold mine in game at gameday 777 and it will last till gameday 793.You will be able to explore gold in gold mine. Every day you will be able to explore randomly from 1Gold to 5Gold.
This is our 40th article, so first 40 players who comment article will receive prize which will be higher than usual.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
Winter is coming so are new stuff which we have prepared for you. We will give you some things which you saw already and something new.

Main points of solving missions remain same, but let s refresh our memory:
It will start at game day 777 and it will last to game day 807 (Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic, Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed,
Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with
a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week but not before.

This event begins 770 game day and lasts until 800. Every day at Day change, a player will receive 2 dice which he/she can use in the event. Each field on the
board contains a prize of some sort, and you will receive the one where your
dice brings you. You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will
have 5% chance per hit to receive additional dice. Another way to receive additional dice is by buying gold packs from the Store. After you
collect all prizes from a board, it will reset and you will be able to collect
the prizes again from the beginning.
This time we have also added something new, after you complete 8x table of Lucky Dice you will be able to claim new Pet for free.

As you already saw in the game, we have implemented pets and as you suggested we did make some things to improve them. Today we present you new pet which will add you Energy or speed up your recovery. Below this
text we will show you how we imagine these attributes for pet.
From 1-50 level +400 Energy
Additional bonuses by levels:
From 10-19 level -10second recovery
From 20-29 level -20second recovery
From 30+ level -30second recovery

Also below your profile information about gold money energy you have timers to feed pet. Timer will show up when you have less than 24 hours to feed pet.

From today you are able to change name of your Pet in Edit profile.

Black Friday start at 784 game day and it will last until 788 game day (last day). We have prepared lot of things to buy, packs additional dices and discounts in mentioned period.

We will add Gold mine in game at gameday 777 and it will last till gameday 793.You will be able to explore gold in gold mine. Every day you will be able to explore randomly from 1Gold to 5Gold.
This is our 40th article, so first 40 players who comment article will receive prize which will be higher than usual.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Sincere regards,
Dr BenitoTerrorTucoSoD JUNIORPasta93CybertelChocolataColmillosGaladraeleradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradevGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusКоментарі (107)


Pet to win

Ніц відміного майже від першого сервака.


Niceeeee o7


i send comment for ASSECO - admin probably sleep and he dont know that communication ban was finished yesterday ... again bug in game ... CRAMOTA...

o7 ✌️🇨🇱🤝



16!!! xD


Admi 0/


love ❤❤❤




Nice 👍

Oh my, i am 27th i want prize 

ty admin


admine care

o/ nice


Guys, make it so you need to shoot with weapon...










admin erase my comment - what ???? i expect reward and to appologise to me..

Good job


Also, how many land places will be there in packs?


Again and again and a same

The same as always, they no longer come up with new things xD

nothing new

The same

A sus ordenes jefe o7


give me gifts admin

same s...







Team Eris

Kirito is my doggy

The dice are back o/ Happy to see we can still shoot without weapons to get the dice. As for the pets, please make them not to lose level if not fed - instead, let the level be ineffective until the pet is fed. For example, if the pet is on Level 2, and hungry, it will not provide improvement until it gets some food
After the pet has eaten, the bonuses will be active again - pretty similar to what happens when there are no food in the storage vs. when there s food in the storage (yet the capacity of the energy pool - base and additional - remains until the food becomes available again).


Nice 👍🏻







change the way of discounts...never did a discount for companies !!

Otra vez más dee lo mismo ya empieza a cansar



Very good 🙂



Another stupid pet....

TNX for not sending reward !!!!

Looks like you ve been playing since yesterday. Admin sends his small gifts after the article falls from the top. Two days!!!!


dont look up,I am the 40th player

Es Todo, Solo 78 NACIONES, Alcanzan un Lugar Específico, en el Mundo Empresarial, El Resto son solo 22 Pobres Naciones cuyos Habitantes son los Dueños de la FE. Y no son solo 100 Naciones, las habídas en el Mundo no superarían siempre el Medio Número. Pero Podríamos decir que una CIudad es Un Mundo y así sustentar el Argumento de CITUS. En Definitiva Bienvenido AMOR.