Опубліковано в France - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 06 Aug 2020 07:16 - 118
Dear Players
We have prepared some events for August, so let’s start with our plan for it.

Missions are coming back ! Main points of solving missions remain same, but let's refresh our memory:
It will last from 07.08.2020 to 06.09.2020(Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic,Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week. This is new set of missions which you weren't able to see before
Lucky Wheel

Lucky Wheel will be active for weekends during the missions period. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn.
When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.
Discount and eRev Pack
Since a lot of you demanded and asked for a land spaces we decided to add packs which consist land spaces. You will be able to buy pack from Friday 07.08.2020 to 11.08.2020(Last day). In the first two packs you will be able to receive land space, and after that there will be boosters instead of land space.
We will also give you discount in same time period as pack for Training grounds, Strategic buildings and Special Items.
Pirate Rewards
Since we have changed lot of stuffs in game we decided to change pirate rewards. System will remain as it is now with new fresh rewards shown in table below.

Summer Dice
Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer we decided to add one more month of this kind of event. The event will be active from 07.08 until 30.08(including 30.08). The rewards will be seen on board, every day at day change you will receive 2 dice for free, with every 500 weapon or RPG spent in battle you will receive additional dice. After you collect all the rewards from 1 board, it will reset. Also, during this period you will get free dice in Store when you buy gold packs.
For all players who comment and vote article today, they will receive small gift.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
We have prepared some events for August, so let’s start with our plan for it.

Missions are coming back ! Main points of solving missions remain same, but let's refresh our memory:
It will last from 07.08.2020 to 06.09.2020(Sunday is the last day)
Missions will come in phases(3 of each):
Basic/Grey missions,
When all Basic,Businessman, Soldier and Adventure missions are completed, Expert/Orange missions will appear and after them, one final mission, with a medal on your profile upon successful completion of all missions.
We didn’t added this time rank up mission, but it will be there in next one missions
NOTE: We will unlock option for solving missions with gold in last week. This is new set of missions which you weren't able to see before

Lucky Wheel will be active for weekends during the missions period. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn.
When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.

Since a lot of you demanded and asked for a land spaces we decided to add packs which consist land spaces. You will be able to buy pack from Friday 07.08.2020 to 11.08.2020(Last day). In the first two packs you will be able to receive land space, and after that there will be boosters instead of land space.
We will also give you discount in same time period as pack for Training grounds, Strategic buildings and Special Items.

Since we have changed lot of stuffs in game we decided to change pirate rewards. System will remain as it is now with new fresh rewards shown in table below.

Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer we decided to add one more month of this kind of event. The event will be active from 07.08 until 30.08(including 30.08). The rewards will be seen on board, every day at day change you will receive 2 dice for free, with every 500 weapon or RPG spent in battle you will receive additional dice. After you collect all the rewards from 1 board, it will reset. Also, during this period you will get free dice in Store when you buy gold packs.
For all players who comment and vote article today, they will receive small gift.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
Klek357Wayne Gretzkykubilayhanmontamontamontamontamontaveliki ratnikYumKimilSergio QuevedodinkokevForever 26HermersHermersSkid RowGenerallisimusGenerallisimusGenerallisimusVuk92Vuk92AmIABadClasseradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradeveradevMenekseMenekseerev2telosOFICIALKlek357NigmataMAKEDONECКоментарі (118)







Voted o7

Quiero mi obsequió!

o7 god

Just forget rank up missions already, 95% of players cannot do it. Add instant payment possibility instead - no point giving missions that cannot be done!



WOW, many new features. What a Revolution! geezzzz

o7 mistake dates Summer dice 🤭



Nice o7


Summer dice is back, with a more reasonable requirement (500 hits with weapon). I m still asking for reverting to 300 per dice, as now it s harder for players to produce or buy weapons, as many are now focusing on (barely) covering their food needs. Although, having such a big pool of energy is quite nice, and increasing food production or energy received per food unit would bring it closer to being fully utilized.


For ALL players wil be rewards.
No more for the first 50



small gift plz


wow..... wooww....wooowww... woooowwww.......wooooowwwww.....woooooowwwww.....a m a z i n g.. lol


Since you asked us to place this event until the end of summer we decided to add one more month of this kind of event. The event will be active from 07.08 until 02.08(including 02.08)
Only 2 days?





Nice,nice 😍😍




Vote 30

Op op opa, I hope that in next article admin will write about some new events because this old one are boring

Хоч щось.

comment and voted

Copy and paste :s admin New work





woww this is something new

Voted o7

To make something new an admin must have studied hard and be able to write some code lines not only copy/paste something already done by others..


Lol, where are changes?


no change productidy food
and delete Nuke



Boring man.



Sh*t game sh*t news sh*t admin
F*ck this sh*t




coment Vote




Invredibile !
I like it !



my problem will be about- not ranked too early 

Yey, again something new In game.




Bla bla bla

V79 o7

Left game admin you are noob

Mission, weel are bad news, land only for pack are crazy, ok discounts




El admin es bien cool
Dame regalos

There will be no discount for factory upgrades?

good news


We want summer dice without weapons or rpg, we want the one before that was without weapons and the possibility to receive a dice, for some it is an impossible mission in this way...


Comment only for smal gift.


V and comment
