Опубліковано в Croatia - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 12 Jul 2020 07:44 - 7
Today, I noticed on the chat that someone is buying a monthly pack so I checked out of curiosity who he is.

Account created today but have star so he could buy gold to buy monthly pack(not profitable) or he bought monthly pack(better option).
But on this example I thought how easy it is to use a monthly pack to earn. If someone will join as your referral the profitable way will be rent him 250G(dont know how much monthly pack cost now) to buy nukes. And if he use it smart.

One nuke for TP, one for TA and one for TR. 945G from medals - 250g = 695g for start. And you get +94,5G from referral bonus.
Good tactics but people can use it by making multi accounts with referral link and with 695G you can buy even more nukes and so and so since none will play on this account after using all nukes. You will get more gold from referral + you can win couple of the important battles.
I dont know if Heisenbergi is a multi.
HarisharkoHeisenbergiGoguadzeAlcekROMAN DIMITRYGod RaPardoPardoPardoPardoPardoGaladraelКоментарі (7)

Multies should be officially allowed to some extent.

Brain burned 😁😁

hey i am not multi. yeah both mentioned accounts was mine but check created dates. when i lost 1 i create second account. and i bought monthly pack for fight 1b-1b-1b in all wars and i earn golds qucikly. already payed for monthly pack and now play fair. haves 7 q3 food factory and 5 food raw factory. i am not multi. also i am waiting admins decision what they make with me. i mean will they ban me or not? nothing more and thx to write article about me
good luck all

Yes! One legal multi for every star.

Ofcourse you are

Thx radov

any news?