Опубліковано в Croatia - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 25 Mar 2020 14:16 - 4
Here you will find how to work
From the main menu, enter here:

So you'll be here:

1. By pressing the Work button - you work for your employer. If you don't have a job, you will have another button - Find a job and by pressing it you will enter the job market, where you can find a job. You can work once a day. If you have an activated home - twice.
2. It shows your progress to Hard Worker medal. Every 30 days of working you gain this medal
3. Check this small box so that you can automatically select all other companies that you have in the My Companies menu.
4. It shows how many employees token you currently have that you can use in your company to produce more items. You can get them by posting job offers for other players or from various events.
5. Here is the place where you can ign your employee token to a given company, after production in the factory that employee token will disappear. At the beginning it is better to gather employees and not use them, wait for the maximum levels of companies.
6. It shows how many raw materials do you need to produce in this factory.
7. It shows what and how many products do you get by producing.
8. Here you can manage your employees
9. By pressing the Start production - you produce items from your companies
Managing your employees

Here you can see how many players you do hire and how many employees token do you get.
You can fire them or post new jobs offers.
10. By pressing this button you can change your employees salary.

From the main menu, enter here:

So you'll be here:

1. By pressing the Work button - you work for your employer. If you don't have a job, you will have another button - Find a job and by pressing it you will enter the job market, where you can find a job. You can work once a day. If you have an activated home - twice.
2. It shows your progress to Hard Worker medal. Every 30 days of working you gain this medal
3. Check this small box so that you can automatically select all other companies that you have in the My Companies menu.
4. It shows how many employees token you currently have that you can use in your company to produce more items. You can get them by posting job offers for other players or from various events.
5. Here is the place where you can ign your employee token to a given company, after production in the factory that employee token will disappear. At the beginning it is better to gather employees and not use them, wait for the maximum levels of companies.
6. It shows how many raw materials do you need to produce in this factory.
7. It shows what and how many products do you get by producing.
8. Here you can manage your employees
9. By pressing the Start production - you produce items from your companies
Managing your employees

Here you can see how many players you do hire and how many employees token do you get.
You can fire them or post new jobs offers.
10. By pressing this button you can change your employees salary.

God RaClark KentjedimindtrickKvii left game day671Коментарі (4)

Based on Boikov s tutorial: https://www.erev2.com/bg/article/303

working time!

It s best time now for invest a lot for successful BB goo luck

brawa widze szqny