Опубліковано в Croatia - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 25 Mar 2020 13:18 - 4
Here you will find basic information about the game and what is where

This is the game's home page. Here you can best see where what is located.
1. Do you see a small arrow next to your name? Press it and you can, for example, go to Settings, from which you can make changes to your account and change the language. A little below you can see information about your financial status.
2. Here you will restore your energy. By pressing the Recover energy button, the game will restore some amount of energy to you. The game allows you to restore 10 energy every 4 minutes. Another condition is to have food in storage. You have no food - no energy.
3. Here you can find your buildings - companies, training buildings, storage and others.
4. Here you will find all available battles for the day.
5. You will be able to trade here. If you are looking for food, weapons, raw materials, currency and even companies.
6. Here you will find a more social element of the game. On this page you will find information about your country, military unit, your party, newspaper, elections, various rankings and world map.
7. Here you can shop for gold, energy or special buildings. If you fancy and have money, you can spend some real currency, but you don't have to do it to fully enjoy the game. Here you will also find information about invited friends. from you the player brings 10% of every gold he earns, and any medal if he reaches level 30.
8. These are the missions that the game offers you. They are different and each mission has different requirements. Some are difficult, others not so much, but each of them will bring you performance bonuses - more experience points, food, weapons, currency, power, etc. In addition, we have pirate daily missions that you can receive every 2.5 hours and the rewards depend on how many rewards you received the previous day. More here Admin News #20 Day 377
9. This is in-game chat. In this case, I opened a Global chat. But you have also your country chat(the one with flag) where only people with citizenship can see and write on this chat. My Party and My Military Unit these chats are for your party and military unit.
10. These are your in-game messages. Here you can find out if someone wrote to you and answered you.
11. These are your Alerts. Inform you about gain medals, transferred items from other players etc.
12. Shows current time in game. At 0:00 every daily mission reset and you can do it again.

This is the game's home page. Here you can best see where what is located.
1. Do you see a small arrow next to your name? Press it and you can, for example, go to Settings, from which you can make changes to your account and change the language. A little below you can see information about your financial status.
2. Here you will restore your energy. By pressing the Recover energy button, the game will restore some amount of energy to you. The game allows you to restore 10 energy every 4 minutes. Another condition is to have food in storage. You have no food - no energy.
3. Here you can find your buildings - companies, training buildings, storage and others.
4. Here you will find all available battles for the day.
5. You will be able to trade here. If you are looking for food, weapons, raw materials, currency and even companies.
6. Here you will find a more social element of the game. On this page you will find information about your country, military unit, your party, newspaper, elections, various rankings and world map.
7. Here you can shop for gold, energy or special buildings. If you fancy and have money, you can spend some real currency, but you don't have to do it to fully enjoy the game. Here you will also find information about invited friends. from you the player brings 10% of every gold he earns, and any medal if he reaches level 30.
8. These are the missions that the game offers you. They are different and each mission has different requirements. Some are difficult, others not so much, but each of them will bring you performance bonuses - more experience points, food, weapons, currency, power, etc. In addition, we have pirate daily missions that you can receive every 2.5 hours and the rewards depend on how many rewards you received the previous day. More here Admin News #20 Day 377
9. This is in-game chat. In this case, I opened a Global chat. But you have also your country chat(the one with flag) where only people with citizenship can see and write on this chat. My Party and My Military Unit these chats are for your party and military unit.
10. These are your in-game messages. Here you can find out if someone wrote to you and answered you.
11. These are your Alerts. Inform you about gain medals, transferred items from other players etc.
12. Shows current time in game. At 0:00 every daily mission reset and you can do it again.
jedimindtrickjedimindtrickjedimindtrickjedimindtrickjedimindtrickEdgeКоментарі (4)

Translated tutorial from Boikov: https://www.erev2.com/bg/article/301

now I know the mecanix, thanks you!

a gdzie polska wersja

Avoid point 12 when you play with your wife. I repeat - do not repeat!