Опубліковано в Argentina - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 20 Mar 2020 00:08 - 54
Dear Players,
As we announced in last article, we are promoting our game intensively than before. As you asked us to motivate you with even better rewards for bringing rewards, so we did it.
We present to you system of rewards for bringing players into game, but we will reward you only for active players. This system starts today, we will not give you reward for your old refferals. The campaign runs through 20. April.
This is list of rewards.

As you can see rewards are really good and motivating, and we are more than pleased to give it to all those who bring active players into game. This is working simple. You find players to join game on your ways and after they register we are tracking their all activities for 30 DAYS. Activities are like all players do, login/logout, market, shooting in battles, chat, comments etc..after we confirm that players are active you will get your rewards. Also do not despite, you don’t have to spend lot of your resources, we have organized team of players to welcome all players who join into game and give them food and everything what they need. They will be online whole day so every player will receive message from them.
NOTICE: If we see that you bring 5 active players, you will earn rewards for all 5 players, if you take back look at picture those are steps 1,2,3,4,5.
On next few pictures I will show you how to find your refferal link
First you have to click on “STORE” in menu on the left.

Then click on "GOLD BONUS”. In picture below you will see where it is.

Here is your refferal link. Send it to your friends and help your country to be the world's greatest power.

Players who attempt to cheat and break the rules will be permanently banned. (multiple accounts).
Please read again and follow our rules https://www.erev2.com/en/rules
If you have any questions feel free to contact Admin via PM. Also you can send PM on discord #6168
Sincere regards,

As we announced in last article, we are promoting our game intensively than before. As you asked us to motivate you with even better rewards for bringing rewards, so we did it.
We present to you system of rewards for bringing players into game, but we will reward you only for active players. This system starts today, we will not give you reward for your old refferals. The campaign runs through 20. April.
This is list of rewards.

As you can see rewards are really good and motivating, and we are more than pleased to give it to all those who bring active players into game. This is working simple. You find players to join game on your ways and after they register we are tracking their all activities for 30 DAYS. Activities are like all players do, login/logout, market, shooting in battles, chat, comments etc..after we confirm that players are active you will get your rewards. Also do not despite, you don’t have to spend lot of your resources, we have organized team of players to welcome all players who join into game and give them food and everything what they need. They will be online whole day so every player will receive message from them.
NOTICE: If we see that you bring 5 active players, you will earn rewards for all 5 players, if you take back look at picture those are steps 1,2,3,4,5.
On next few pictures I will show you how to find your refferal link
First you have to click on “STORE” in menu on the left.

Then click on "GOLD BONUS”. In picture below you will see where it is.

Here is your refferal link. Send it to your friends and help your country to be the world's greatest power.

Players who attempt to cheat and break the rules will be permanently banned. (multiple accounts).
Please read again and follow our rules https://www.erev2.com/en/rules
If you have any questions feel free to contact Admin via PM. Also you can send PM on discord #6168
Sincere regards,
JamesdelaneyTenebrisKvii left game day671Last0neShota masterbarakuda from hellbarakuda from hellbarakuda from hellbarakuda from hellbarakuda from hellStrongManPasta93Rober0998jonkataPavel 04ggsk2KaZeKaZeKaZeKaZeKaZekerim61PabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePabletePableteO T A M A NNadijaaSASheldon The Madcorona20SuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinSuperChavinBellgorPablo CostaCitroen c5Terry FatherTerry FatherКоментарі (54)

Hoćemo i mi sto vec imamo 5-10 aktivnih starih referala da dobijemo ove nagrade. Nije OK za nas !!!!

Hail Admin! We love active admin


@Kosingas this system starts today. Unfortunately, we will not give you reward for your old reff

@admin ali to nije pošteno 😔 i šta će biti sa kreškama iz kviza sto si napravljene?



samo gruvaj

Let s BB start

well... I am impressed! Very good move, hope isnt too late and i hope players to be carefully checked, because multies will come very soon 

Good move actually!Way to go

Great system admin. Game won t die after that

good news for game

what will happen if we got a company but we dont have space for it?
We got a free space with company too?


Ispravite greske iz kviza

Adm add pack erev


wowwwwwwwwww wonderfull awesome reward. i m going to do advertisement all youtube game videos comment for erev2 my link

Nice o7

best time for baby boom, but lets see !

It would be much easier work if you would make serious events without wrong answers as right ones...

I sense scam here... Big Multiesssss booom... 

Harisharko, it’s your time to start!


Lol. Where were you in summer, when I headed a team of 300 employees.

What is the correct answer to support the green button?


hmmm i could try inviting more people , but man multi horde is coming xd


Good update for multi accounts

Will be the multies era
i hope admins will make more ban and maybe an useful update, not another mu-event or quiz 

its a great update in general for all of us.Stop crying about multis and go search for players and reap the rewards.It aint that hard to do.Anyone who makes a multi should in fact get a perma ban and Admin assures us of that.


put licky dice event

admins make more update and delete from party and mu inactives (pp, cpt commander, too), please

fix the quiz then maybe we bring some new people.


Good rewards but it wont be easy
