Опубліковано в Croatia - Перші кроки в eRevollution - 13 Mar 2020 01:06 - 143
Dear Player,
We have received lot of questions about resource map. As we mentioned in one of our articles, map will be reshuffled approximately every six months. Exact date, we won’t reveal for now but, yes we will change resource map in some short time.
Military Unit tournament
Military Unit will start at 14.03.2020 and it will end at 22.03.2020(last day). Tournament will have 2 leader-boards counting damage of the Military Unit and other will count damage of Single Players. First 10 Players/Military Units will earn new medals on their profiles 23.03.2020 with rest of rewards. Military Units will be locked from 14.03(last day), while Military units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 28.03.2020
NOTICE: We will give Military Unit tournament every 2-3 weeks.
Quiz will start 14.03.2020 and it will end at 22.03.2020(last day). We made new 400 questions of which 200 will be about the game, and other 200 will be real life questions. Quiz is quite simple. You can play one quiz game per day. Once you start, you have 15 minutes to answer 20 questions. There is no time limit on one question, you can spend 15 minutes for one question. Also, once the timer is activated it doesn’t matter if you close the game or log out, it continues to countdown. If you don’t answer some of the questions in 15 minutes, we are considering you gave the wrong answer. Every day you will get 20 random questions.
NOTICE: Rewarding system is like last time, only rewards are slightly changed.
Lucky Wheel will be active for weekend 21.03-22.03. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn. When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.
Minor things:
- X2 energy refill will be active during all these events, that is from 14.03.2020 to 22.03.2020.
- From Saturday 14.03 you will be able to p missions with gold.
There is small prize for every player who comment/vote article.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team
We have received lot of questions about resource map. As we mentioned in one of our articles, map will be reshuffled approximately every six months. Exact date, we won’t reveal for now but, yes we will change resource map in some short time.

Military Unit will start at 14.03.2020 and it will end at 22.03.2020(last day). Tournament will have 2 leader-boards counting damage of the Military Unit and other will count damage of Single Players. First 10 Players/Military Units will earn new medals on their profiles 23.03.2020 with rest of rewards. Military Units will be locked from 14.03(last day), while Military units collect their prize from the gold mine, to 28.03.2020
NOTICE: We will give Military Unit tournament every 2-3 weeks.

Quiz will start 14.03.2020 and it will end at 22.03.2020(last day). We made new 400 questions of which 200 will be about the game, and other 200 will be real life questions. Quiz is quite simple. You can play one quiz game per day. Once you start, you have 15 minutes to answer 20 questions. There is no time limit on one question, you can spend 15 minutes for one question. Also, once the timer is activated it doesn’t matter if you close the game or log out, it continues to countdown. If you don’t answer some of the questions in 15 minutes, we are considering you gave the wrong answer. Every day you will get 20 random questions.
NOTICE: Rewarding system is like last time, only rewards are slightly changed.

Lucky Wheel will be active for weekend 21.03-22.03. Rules are simple like always, you have to win jackpot stars in order to receive jackpot. You have 12,5% chance to win jackpot star with every turn. When you win 3 jackpot stars you win first jackpot prize, after that you have to earn another 3 jackpot stars for second reward(6 stars totally), and after that you need to earn 3 new jackpot stars for last jackpot rewards(9 stars totally). You can win only once per a day all jackpot rewards, after that you can turn wheel and win small rewards but not jackpot.
Minor things:
- X2 energy refill will be active during all these events, that is from 14.03.2020 to 22.03.2020.
- From Saturday 14.03 you will be able to p missions with gold.
There is small prize for every player who comment/vote article.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That’s it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Sincere regards,
eRevollution Team
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first, give me some present...surprise me with something nice


Gib me prize

me too, but some thing nicer

Tovare davaaj nagradu

Hail Tovar!


Daavaj nagradu

Givee me prizee

Come on give some more time/ space between military tournaments. This way MU s are almost permanently locked

Same content.. nothing new...


Yes i am here


Iscekujem Lucky dice ali bez one santa hat nagrade



I like all except the quiz ...

I love quiz event but idk what to say about MU tournament :/


Winning a mu tournament means nothing if there is one every month...







Please admin make some update, luky weel and mu tournement are bored like missions 










Military rank mission should be replaced in future, it is pure drain of gold. I am curious about the quiz questions o7

MU tournaments every 2-3 weeks is not a good idea...

MU tournaments every 2-3 weeks is not a good idea...

When i win all jackpot and continue to spin you take 3gold for stars. Did you change that?


Give dices, best event ever 

Im here for comment and vote 

V 44

We want lucky dise 🎲

o7 give us dices admin pls

Lepo, lepo

the same quiz, the same content, the same event, lol dead game


Nice, very nice

Salji poklone

Noone needs MU Tournament again !!!

Every 2 weeks tournament 😂




o7 lel

voted and commented!

Davaj poklon



Ok me agrada la idea.

Fine by me

let s see how is it working

Is this a new copy paste article? Arent we all bored from MU tournaments?

Join Japan, Join NOW !!!

Unit tournament every day 🙃
At least you should alternate with country tournament




Great news. Gracias

Am i the only one who enjoys tournaments?What is so special about dice event that you prefer it to an actual competative tournament..


Admin this time MU tournament with even worse rewards - 2 days gold mine for 1st place, and 100 bazookas + 50 eb

Probably you are,
The big part of this community are not visa players or strong players and we like/need free stuff to be competitive for MU tournaments.
@Boikov point is that this is not pay to win game, thats why free stuff from events like lucky dice are important for small players like me.
We want to matter in this game without giving money away.

Nice news but MU tournament is bad

Nice news but MU tournament is bad



meh not MU tournament again

MU tournament = $$$$
Another boring event.

Tovare davaj zlata da podignem ternig centar il da kockam 


@radovlje fair point.Perhaps if MU tournament is always acompanied by dice event then smaller players would have more chance to compete for the tournament and will have more fun in them as well?Mu tournament + dice is a good option what you think?




Quiz! o/




Evento de corona virus mejor

Agsin MU tournament lol lol lol lol 😂 😂






we want lucky dice




Thank you for the update, though I think these MU tournies are a bit too often I think monthly is more appropriate, IMO. Love having events but be careful to not over do it.
Anyhow have a great day!

Pospone the Tournament and let people move between MUs before ending one tournamnet and opening another!!

I am so sad... so sad... 

Micro events are now boring. Let s implement something cool. E.g. infrastructure rush, where you have to build your country s bonuses.



dosta ljudi u komentarima...


admin, update missile damage, low-q missiles are useless


