Опубліковано в Peru - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 29 Feb 2020 17:34 - 7
JamesdelaneyMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithMister SmithDiCarpio69TripleKolaemaylRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielRosielEklavyaaSergio QuevedoElCommandoElCommandoElCommandoElCommandoElCommandocount zerokh4NMandrake85bogoyMag GreyMerlin70Merlin70Merlin70Merlin70Merlin70Коментарі (7)


First fix you economy and taxes then publish this article...

Peru are norm contry but economy 0

Our taxes are great, we are not a tax haven.
Join ePerú. Bonus: 100/80/80

I agree with them. It´s not appropriate to publish it because we have a close economy. It is better if we only keep our system and let them to decide. To the rest.... Our economy is not broken. In comparison we only decide to change our way and we are strong in part for that. We are happy with it