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Viracocha - Газета від Brazil -
Golds Missions

Опубліковано в Peru - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 07 Dec 2019 12:51 - 14


Note: I personally believe that winning 35 gold is very difficult, especially for older players in my case a TP is at 450kk damage, should be more accessible ob


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Коментарі (14)

no mamen, 35g de medallas xD
Yeah, 35 medals to earn, nice xD
Use 100 tokens reward 80 tokens :o
Alv y yo recién voy en la 2da ronda de las misiones de colores
After this exist a final mission or these are the last ones?
Finally something duable without stupid rw missions xD
@Valyr After these missiomes there is a final mission
35 gold is madness, but dont have rank up... its good that we dont have again this madness...
anyone on the last mission yet ?
i think last year these were harder than now ?
Entonces son 50 misiones