KFC News

herosiv - Газета від Poland -
【KFC NEWS】Quiz tips

Опубліковано в Bulgaria - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 12 Nov 2019 04:31 - 7

Quick tips for you guys

For question How many core regions does ... have ?


For questions How many regions have ... as a resource ?

And you can join the polish discord channel 

Polish discord

We collected already a lot of questions. If you can't find there your question we have a channel when people can ask for help.
Some people already joined the discord and got good awards.



Коментарі (7)

cheaters ...
Smart people
Ty o7
Thanks a lot ... o7
Use Google for QUIZ. like this - http://prntscr.com/pwa4th
In this channel for help others showstheir bad behavier and do not help so much.
Thanks poland for this o7