Опубліковано в Portugal - Аналіз війни - 15 Oct 2018 12:11 - 23

Hey there eWorld!
This is a small update of what OFC is up to these days! We started 10 days have ped since our return, we managed to bring back the core of the MU and he had some really nice people that wanted to join our little brotherhood, our future seems bright with 45 active members that will spreed Chaos in future battles, i've have a feeling that we will turn even more battles this time around that we did last time.
Since the server is still in diapers we have been focusing on getting a good and stable base to help our members grow and become the most feared tanks we want them to be so today we started our loan program to help out our members to boost their economy.
We started off loaning 265g to 9 people, and about more 700g to loan in the next few days o7
If someone wants to come and have a chat with us you can fins us in DISCORD . Even tho we have a nice core we might take in some new brothers shortly, we are always looking for nice active and friendly people that share our views of the game, if you want a active friendly and active community to play with, we might be a good fit fot you.
FirebladeRadovljeRadovljeRadovljedr SchultzGergitaКоментарі (23)

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s4s xdxdxd

OFC o7

OFC o7 My articles are prettier 😝

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OFuckingC o7

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Do you loan to un OFC Portuguese fellows? i will pay you back whit interests and who knows maybe i will help you someday

OFC o7

OFC o7