Опубліковано в United States of America - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 08 Nov 2019 20:53 - 66
Hello everyone,
First of all don’t forget the last 2 days of Lucky Dice, use all your cubes to earn nice rewards from event. We will bring up for you new event and some questions.
We present you a quiz as new event, which will start 11.11.2019. and it will end on 24.11.2019. We made 400 questions of which 200 will be about the game, and other 200 will be real life questions. Quiz is quite simple. You can play one quiz game per day. Once you start, you have 20 minutes to answer 20 questions. There is no time limit on one question, you can spend 20 minutes for one question. Also, once the timer is activated it doesn’t matter if you close the game or log out, it continues to countdown. If you don’t answer on some of the questions in 20 minutes, we are considering you gave the wrong answer. Every day you will get 20 random questions.
Depending on how many correct answers you have, you will get some random prize. Here is the list of possible prizes:
On this list you will see several items in each column, which means you will get randomly one of 3 “sets” of rewards.
For example : On the first day if you answer correctly only one question you will get one set of rewards from the row called “1-5 correct answers”. Tomorrow you may answer on 17 questions correctly and you get randomly one set of rewards from row “16-19 correct answers”
If you answer on all questions correctly, you will receive the following rewards:

NOTICE: When you start event you have 20 minutes to answer on 20 questions. Simple as that :) Do not hesitate to contact us if there is something you do not understand.
We listened to your suggestions how to revoke small countries, how to bring people back to their origins and how to motivate them.
Also, we will limit the number of citizens in one Military Units and in the future we will add new gameplay into game which will affect Military Units.
We didn’t forget about black Friday, don’t worry.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
With this, we conclude this issue of Admin news. Until next time, we hope that you enjoy reading our newspapers and don't forget to subscribe to read all changes on time.
Also if you did not noticed it's day 400.We are prizing first 40 players who vote/endorse/comment article with small reward
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
First of all don’t forget the last 2 days of Lucky Dice, use all your cubes to earn nice rewards from event. We will bring up for you new event and some questions.

We present you a quiz as new event, which will start 11.11.2019. and it will end on 24.11.2019. We made 400 questions of which 200 will be about the game, and other 200 will be real life questions. Quiz is quite simple. You can play one quiz game per day. Once you start, you have 20 minutes to answer 20 questions. There is no time limit on one question, you can spend 20 minutes for one question. Also, once the timer is activated it doesn’t matter if you close the game or log out, it continues to countdown. If you don’t answer on some of the questions in 20 minutes, we are considering you gave the wrong answer. Every day you will get 20 random questions.
Depending on how many correct answers you have, you will get some random prize. Here is the list of possible prizes:

On this list you will see several items in each column, which means you will get randomly one of 3 “sets” of rewards.
For example : On the first day if you answer correctly only one question you will get one set of rewards from the row called “1-5 correct answers”. Tomorrow you may answer on 17 questions correctly and you get randomly one set of rewards from row “16-19 correct answers”
If you answer on all questions correctly, you will receive the following rewards:

NOTICE: When you start event you have 20 minutes to answer on 20 questions. Simple as that :) Do not hesitate to contact us if there is something you do not understand.
We listened to your suggestions how to revoke small countries, how to bring people back to their origins and how to motivate them.
Also, we will limit the number of citizens in one Military Units and in the future we will add new gameplay into game which will affect Military Units.
We didn’t forget about black Friday, don’t worry.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
With this, we conclude this issue of Admin news. Until next time, we hope that you enjoy reading our newspapers and don't forget to subscribe to read all changes on time.
Also if you did not noticed it's day 400.We are prizing first 40 players who vote/endorse/comment article with small reward
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

Polyarnyy MedvedJamesdelaneyHan AsparuhiqiroptarmikutPrimer OficialBunnyliuBoikovrrrevanGenerallisimusjedimindtrickTenebrislucekekBuldozerBuldozerBuldozerTheGodfatherPomamAjuanekRagnarokAnt3SheferdEl TarloMultipassA L B E D OCoolerssGoguadzeGoguadzeNieltonViracochaLordBlackDustHatsune MikuThedonitoPumbaaTheWarthogGovernadorEsporThe PunisherGergitabeautygirlparazituAsminTheOldMan67UndergradJorgeGaming23valyrDesteroidClark KentClark KentКоментарі (66)

pole perrona o7

Nice work o7 Pole

Interesting. We are waiting for your questions.

Nice bonus reward



Lets see who s smart boys 

Pitanje: ujutro hoda na 4 noge, u podne na 2 a navecer na 3 noge šta je to?
Kožu ima životinja nije,jezik ima covjek nije,list ima biljka nije šta je to ?

nice I like it








свака част





I win 😁






Nice idea o7


Nice event. We are waiting for your questions 

Are Quiz questions available in all languages available in the game?
If not, you will exclude non-English speakers.

wow 400 questions ! holy shxt
okay , lets see

Vote / Endorses / Comment in the first 40 : )

Okas veamos ps

voted commmented endorsed

Órale que creativos que barbaros que ingenio


voted commmented endorsed



37 endorse 

vote and endorse




curious event

hope questions are easy xD


What if someone doesn t speak english?

@Evans, used google translate

I will stay with GOOGLE opened and boosted rofl