Опубліковано в France - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 26 Oct 2019 02:17 - 61
Hello everyone,
We can see that you enjoy in this event which is add in game with changes of resources over the map. You really drained lot of items from game so we will give you some easy event to gain rewards easily to enjoy more in game. This article will be short so let's start with it
This event begins 28.10 and lasts until 10.11 (Sunday is last day available to claim rewards, or last day of event).
Every day at Day change, a player will receive 2 dice which he/she can use in the event. Each field on the board contains a prize of some sort, and you will receive the one where your dice brings you. You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will have 7% chance per hit to receive additional dice. Another way to receive additional dice is by buying gold packs from the Store. After you collect all prizes from a board, it will reset and you will be able to collect the prizes again from the beginning.

We won’t reveal amount of the prizes just yet, you will have to wait for the event to start to find them out for yourselves.
NOTE: Board resets when you collect all rewards and have at least ONE dice
Small corrections/changes and game Rules
We lifted the bar for receiving bonus strength from 7000 to 8000 strength points.
In last pirate chest instead of2 Energy Bars we changed into 7 temporary Energy Bars
And please, since it is also a FAQ, if we list for example that an event lasts from date X until date Y, date Y is considered to be the last day for it (day Y, 23:59 ingame time).
Do not forget that we have changed amount of energy recovered by Hospital.
We repeat once more, we have removed moderator positions. Admin is doing whole job, best option for you to report something is via ticketing or by discord you can have fastest reply there.
Please don’t do anything against rules or you will be punished, punishment remain same as we wrote already in one of articles.
If a player is caught having multis boosting his account, the main account will be banned for 24 hours, and all of the multi accounts permanently. On top of that, they will receive a punishment in form of deleting their gold amount, deleting companies and/or training centers in amounts:
1st offense: profit removal + 30% penalty;
2nd offense: profit removal + 50% penalty;
3rd offense: profit removal + 100% penalty;
4th offense: permanent ban.
We have lot demands from you to start beyond the limits event again, we will see stats in game for next event than finally decide which event are we going to bring in game next, until that we are more than happy to listen your advice's and proposals.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
With this, we conclude this issue of Admin news. Until next time, we hope that you enjoy reading our newspapers and don't forget to subscribe to read all changes on time.
Also we are prizing first 30 players who vote,endorse and comment article with small reward
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
We can see that you enjoy in this event which is add in game with changes of resources over the map. You really drained lot of items from game so we will give you some easy event to gain rewards easily to enjoy more in game. This article will be short so let's start with it

Every day at Day change, a player will receive 2 dice which he/she can use in the event. Each field on the board contains a prize of some sort, and you will receive the one where your dice brings you. You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will have 7% chance per hit to receive additional dice. Another way to receive additional dice is by buying gold packs from the Store. After you collect all prizes from a board, it will reset and you will be able to collect the prizes again from the beginning.

We won’t reveal amount of the prizes just yet, you will have to wait for the event to start to find them out for yourselves.
NOTE: Board resets when you collect all rewards and have at least ONE dice
We lifted the bar for receiving bonus strength from 7000 to 8000 strength points.
In last pirate chest instead of
And please, since it is also a FAQ, if we list for example that an event lasts from date X until date Y, date Y is considered to be the last day for it (day Y, 23:59 ingame time).
Do not forget that we have changed amount of energy recovered by Hospital.
We repeat once more, we have removed moderator positions. Admin is doing whole job, best option for you to report something is via ticketing or by discord you can have fastest reply there.
Please don’t do anything against rules or you will be punished, punishment remain same as we wrote already in one of articles.
If a player is caught having multis boosting his account, the main account will be banned for 24 hours, and all of the multi accounts permanently. On top of that, they will receive a punishment in form of deleting their gold amount, deleting companies and/or training centers in amounts:
1st offense: profit removal + 30% penalty;
2nd offense: profit removal + 50% penalty;
3rd offense: profit removal + 100% penalty;
4th offense: permanent ban.
We have lot demands from you to start beyond the limits event again, we will see stats in game for next event than finally decide which event are we going to bring in game next, until that we are more than happy to listen your advice's and proposals.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
With this, we conclude this issue of Admin news. Until next time, we hope that you enjoy reading our newspapers and don't forget to subscribe to read all changes on time.
Also we are prizing first 30 players who vote,endorse and comment article with small reward
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

SPIRIT OF DEATHClark KentJamesdelaneyBunnyliuAkhenaton SetepenradestruktorsbeautygirlTenebrisMotoHarisharkocovecetsitoubillDesteroidjackGreatMachakDon CamelloFikipadrian1984NecromancerBATASHAixionJorgeGaming23JorgeGaming23JorgeGaming23CentomaxRapido como uma flechaКоментарі (61)

maybe some more food in lucky dice would be nice

the hyperbar should recharge the energy bar without consuming any other bread in the warehouse. the cost is already high (15cc and 600frm at the current market costs assuming that not all produce raw materials).

Good news 

@admin add new week event with name -thanks giving- and in this event give players different medium missions per day ( max 6 mission per day) and if they pass it in time that you gave them for passing each mission (for example 10 min for some and 5 hour for others) give them some rewards....like EB, FOOD, Weapon, House, Hyper bar, booster, RPG and Gold....some of this rewards can be temporary.......@admin I am wait for your opinion

Gj Dante o7

good job o7





please more food in board



so sweet







o7 good



thanks admin for your rewards to me

vote and endorse 







Two small suggestions: 1. Daily change should reset the counter for pirates daily rewards, too. 2. Cooldown should be shortened, preferably to 2 hours instead of 2.5 hours as it is now.



a lot of EBs


Good stuff

7% chance/hit in text, while 5% chance/hit on image?.!.? And what is even worse it is probably a complete lie,like it was the last time when they sad 10%/hit and it was actually 10%/10hits which is something completly different xD

sounds good o7

Votado,endorso do y comentado
Quiero mi small reward 😌

opa vidi ga sekula sta ima golda na accountu xD

i like this : )

V81 and endorse 5cc.

why do you endorse to admin xDD dont you see how many thousands of golds he has 

Sub, vote, endorse and comment. 😘

@Senaid it will probably be 7%, but it takes effort to make a new picture, why bother when you can just copy the old one

Voted, endorsed and commented

Nice Article