Опубліковано в United States of America - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 15 Oct 2018 06:31 - 118
This is my first giveaway so I will not be stingy with the rewards.
All you need to do is Vote + Subscribe my article. If you already subscribed you will still be able to receive the reward. I know many of you are in need of gold so I choose to do a gold give away. Our goal is to reach 200+ Subscribers.
1 - 20 Gold
2 - 15 Gold
3 - 10 Gold + 2k Energy
Leave a comment with your Vote + Subscribe number at the bottom
important jokerКоментарі (118)
1 + already subscribed
v2 already subbed!
S101 V4
V6 + already subscribed
v7 already subscribed
s103 v9
V12 old s
104 11
v12 already subscribed
13 105/106
s100 v14
v16/old sub
V18 S108
v17 + already subscribed
S99 V18
S109 v 20
s110 v21
v8/already subbed
Old sub v23 o7
v24, s111
s112 v25
28 113
ols sub v27
v29 sub 114
v31 old sub
Already Subscribed V31
Old Sub V33
s114 v34
Sub115 V35
s116 v36
s117 v36
S118 v38
120s 39v
122s 41v
v42 sub before
Vote 43 sub 123
【Petition】Training Ground https://www.erev2.com/en/article/522
Was already subbed, vote 47
S 128 - V 48
s130 - v49
S131 v50
S135 V52
Vote 53, already subbed
Vote 54, already subbed.
V56 already subbed!
Vote 57, already subbed
Vote 58, already subbed
Vote 59, old sub
V60 old sub
Sub 140 , Vote 62
V 63 ,already subbed
v64 s142
s143 v65
v66 s146
V67 already subbed
s147 v68
v69 / already sub
Already Subscribed V71
sub 149, v 72
S150 v 73
S151 v74 o7
S 152 v 75
Already subbed, v76
v77 S 155 - thanks Ace!
v78 already subbed
V80 S154
S155 v81
v79 , old sub o7
v82 s156
158s 58v
v85 s160
V87 + already subscribed
v89 + s164
v90 +s165
V91 S166
V92 S168
s171 v92
v94 already subscribed
s173 v95
V95 already sun
S175 v96
v97 s176
S177 v98
s183 v100
s184 v101
s163 v88 feel free to sub mine as well, thanks
Old sub Vote 103 😘
S188 + V 104
S189 v105
s191 v107
s193 v108
s194 v109
S195 v110
111 197
v112 s199 olo
V113 S200
S201 v 114
S203 / V115
s204 / v116 gl for all
s206 v118
v119 s207
S209 v120
V121 s214
v122 s217
s218 v 123
v 124 s 220
Sub 504 vote 127