Опубліковано в United States of America - Фінансовий аналіз - 03 Jun 2019 02:24 - 17
After the implement of q6 weapons factory, the limit on raw comps (just like every other comp) the production of raws mainly with WAM and not using workers, I strongly believe that admins should change up the production of wrm per work at all levels of wrm companies. Market seriously lacks wrm in decent prices so to make even new weapons approachable to every player.
Of course the raw problem does not affect only wrm but all kinds of raw. Maybe a total reschedule of raw production is necessary asap
Of course the raw problem does not affect only wrm but all kinds of raw. Maybe a total reschedule of raw production is necessary asap
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I support this idea o7

Nooooooo admin is troll
He will make a q6 raw company for this suggestion

Haak please do not drop ideas like this here he may do this and not what it has to be done xD

The ratio is so much worse for HRM. There you need to work 8 times to get HRM for each time you work in your Q5 house factory. With Q6 weapons factory, you do not even have to work once to get raws for each work in the factory.
This is calculated with only the best raw facilities that cost 35g.

make even new weapons approachable to every player
How about no?


I m against this idea ////
Raw market is good enough, there is more raw produced than used everydays, it s make people travel in others country to get their product, that contribute to the world economy and help low player insteads of rich one who will have to buy less if they have already some raw.
// States have to invest in low player to get more raw /// But hopefully it s a troll right ? o7

Why should top weapons be affordable and approachable for everyone? Since when do we have that wannabe-communism in game design?

Feng shui +1 u wanted new q so pay the price

Good idea, hopes it gets heard loud and clear

Raw Production is godd no need to change..!

@Uladzimir Leanidavich
Lets turn it into (or any mobile game tbh) where in-game currency is worthless and premium shop is everything.
I like having bombs and rockets, weapons and food, houses and events - and all of these being not-free. It is Classic WoW vs Modern WoW - game has and should have basic stepping stones instead of give everything for free since some systems may be seen as annoying. By flattening progression systems you remove progression itself.

@Piolun, well, last one is exactly my thought - normally players should WANT them hard. When people have everything they need - they get lazy. There should be strategy behind this economy and the will to make currency worth something. Only when you need something, progress keeps progressing. Game should be a challenge, and while I do not vote against changing values behind game economy, I really think top toys should be for big boys.

@djurdjo I didn t wanted the new q xD

I know i agree with u
i said go ppl who wanted new q so they need to pay price if they want q6 wep

You have a market, use it.
