Опубліковано в Georgia - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 31 May 2019 11:46 - 56
Hello everyone,
this article will be a longer one, because we have several bigger announcements.
First of all, congratulations to all winners from the War of Nations tournament, we hope you had lots of fun during it.

Also congrats to best 10 players and we hope that they are satisfied with their rewards

The next time War of Nations will be active, the rules will be a little different.

As of Saturday, you will be able to upgrade your weapons factory to q6, so there will be a new weapon for you to fight with. You will be able to buy or sell it via Companies market. You can see the cost of upgrade, cost of production and other important information in the table below:

A new set of missions begins on June 3rd, and it will last until July 14th. There will be 51 missions total, and in the last 7 days we will unlock the possibility to solve them using gold.

The concept of missions is fairly familiar, but we will repeat them for those of you who do not know it. The missions are parted in several sections. First, you have a set of Beginner missions. After you finish all of them, three different colored series of missions (blue, green, red) will unlock, which represents three categories- Businessman, Soldier and Adventure, and three of each will be unlocked. After you finish a set of each color, a new set of 3 missions of the same type will unlock.
When all sets of all colored missions are complete, Expert missions will unlock, and after them, one last Final mission. If you successfully complete all of the missions, you will receive a shiny medal on your profile to celebrate your success.

In order to ist you in the beginning, the Speed Week will be active again from June 3rd until June 9th.
As many players asked and suggested it would be good to make a pack for new players which would include strength among other things, we decided to introduce such pack for younger players (less than 3 months old, or have strength below 3000), and only they will be able to see it. The pack will help them gain enough amount of strength to be "competitive" in the battlefield a little faster, and hopefully help them stay in the game. It has no limitations for now, and we will change the contents of the pack when necessary.
We would like to thank everyone for their productivity and giving us plenty of ideas and thoughts on ways to improve the game. Your ideas and thoughts are always welcome, so share yours with us, who knows, maybe one of your ideas will be implemented.
Some other announcements for the next month are:
- New event which will be focused on attracting new players; it will last whole summer
- New event for getting rewards which will last for 7 days
- Completely new event never seen before.
As always, for any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
This brings us to the end of this issue of Admin news. Enjoy the missions, enjoy the Easter event, and until some other time, take care and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

Miltiadosaxew7KingorionPoesiaFingolfinDalululnDalululnDalululndragica1GreatG u r i nG u r i nG u r i nG u r i nG u r i nwhateverEmporerwhateverwhateverwhateverwhateverDesteroidPabletePabletePabletePabletePableteDarth BaneAmir82Коментарі (56)

I am glad you listened to us about the starter pack. It will benefit both players and the game. It is good to see that you care for actual feedback.



SMP o7

too early, admin.

Thanks for hearing our ideas , great job admin team o7

Q6 Wep didn t needed, just makes visa players more stronger 

too early, admin.


Yeah, way too early for new missions in my opinion.


Lol, most people cannot even afford q5 wep factory and you just jumped for q6 factory that costs almost the same as q5



Yeah bogomil ... now you will need long time for q6 upgrade... greetings to real espor

A bad decision to implement factories Q6

Harisharko, I do have enough gold to upgrade them. But remember, I do think about other people and I do know that it is too early for this game to have a q6 wep company 

I will make a few xD

bad uptade q6 now not need increase damage rates

Again a lot RW missions to duck up all strategy on game for individual mission fullfillments ?

I do not hate the idea of Q6 factory - of the weapons that are so expensive that you cannot fight usign them 24/7, but the increased number of workers (7-10) will make them still relatively cheap (if not considering huge initial investment).
They require only slightly more raw which means they will be able to be mass-produced and the increase of firepower from 0.9 - 1.2 - 1.5 - 2.0 (???) seems pretty weird too...
IMO missle factories need fixin or they will fade into obscurity too...

Am ylekacam ukve meramdened unda chamijvas pontshi

Saqartveloshi ras gviqveyneb shechemis trampa wumpa nabozari tu ar xar.. Ici ro ver avwevt jer da gvegadavebi xoo she teslo

a la miercoles..., por fin tengo la q5 y salen con sus mamad.... de q6

Thank you for not letting us get bored! You are active, creative and keep the game alive! Greeting for all this! What I think is that you let the weapons upgraded too early. I am one of the fastest growing, lately registered players. I ve been playing since day 113. I m developing entirely in military direction. For more than 4 months, I have not built my first weapons company yet.
This change will make the strong and wealthy players even stronger and richer - this change demotivates everyone else ..

I have not yet built my first Q5 weapon company. ***

Good point Piolun, missiles and even rpgs need an update in order to stay competitive

520 gold for up the building weapon? oO
when start the new contest?

Why? Whyyyy? Q1-Q5, amen. No need for inventing the hot water, it was already invented. Q6 should not exsist, my opinion.

Too early for missions and for q6 factory

repeat mistakes in erev1. q7 w when? and .... 5-5-5-10-10-10 -10 ......... The next mistake I leave the game


All good, except the Q6 weapons. Staying classic is what made erev2 nice, straying away from it is a bad sign. Just don t do it while it s not too late, it s pointless. Events are much more efficient in keeping the game alive, limited time stuff are making the game feel interesting and so on, but making currently existing things more complicated is not something anyone would be very happy to see.

So no warning, just like that POP! Now you got Q6 baby

Give us more land for production......dont need q6 weapon.....change bonuses and dont give same bonus to countries....bonus in 1 country must be different.....make a event that help treasury of countries ( all countries) not just 10.....support new players......and many other things

Put to pay with gold the missions since the begging, I don t want to lose all my progress again please admin! 😇
For me q6 it’s early now, not for me as a player, I will build it, but for ng player or new players...

Hahahahahaha svaka cast

Pay the bi*ch xD


You can get nice and juicy 90% TAX refund of tax colected if you upgrade/build companies in Poland. JUST message our CP the before and after printscreen of Polish treasury prooving that you were in Poland while doing it.

Quelle originalité ! Impressionnant




Don t have visa. I leave the game tchouss

agg mrd

Eliminar la mision de rw

bad info!!. weapons q4 factory 4 workers. food q4 factory 5 workers. please fix for the event QUIZ!!!!