Опубліковано в United States of America - Політичні дебати та аналіз - 26 May 2019 00:10 - 21

USA announce the depart from NOVA alliance.
We would like to thank all former allies for all good moments we had. It's been fun but now it's time for us to move on and change this game; make it interesting again. I will not pretend to be an altruist, I am not doing this for game community. I do this for USA community.
USA citizens you will learn soon how our country will move and our destination in this game. Remember, starting over can be challenging, but also it can be a great opportunity to do things differently.
Last but not least, 10 days after the end of tournament the citizenship approvals will be unlocked again by admins, after rewards are collected. All of you that have applied, be patient. All of you that would like to join our community feel free to do it. And experience the game under a completely new prism, of team play, brotherhood and fun.
RadovljeDieselJorgeGaming23DrethFierce oneDeathB4DishonorGrouv0TenebrisAlias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12Alias12JedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGJedanJediniVGКоментарі (21)

Poxui visiem


P A N Z E R. o7

Nice o7


Time for democracy and freed0m


GL bros

Chris is gay usa o7 🤣❤

Almost faster than slow motion. A disappointing game of Panzers





great decision for the sake of game!
Albania o7
USA o7