Опубліковано в Serbia - Аналіз війни - 08 May 2019 13:59 - 39

Dear eCitizens,
This is a bimonthly publication on international armed conflicts, which examines the current situation regarding military-related variables and decisions, from an interviewee standpoint. Beside personal beliefs and opinions, we will try to give you an overall picture when it comes to geopolitical situation in the world.
Our first interlocutor, who will comment on the current military operations and warfare is the former eSerbian Minister of Defense - CemiSRB.
Beside that we will go through the most important military laws which were ped by the parliaments (congress) of respective countries.
First of all, what a month April was! We have witnessed regrouping forces around two alliances. The first one is NOVA (USA, Bulgaria, Peru, Romania, Georgia, Spain, Indonesia) and the second one is the new DARK SIDE alliance (Brazil, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Greece, Hungary). Both alliances showed us their exceptional strength in the last couple of weeks, if you agree...
Interlocutors commentary: NOVA alliance has most regions at this moment on the world map. In my humble opinion, the biggest surprise is Peru since they conquered a mive number of resources in a short amount of time. However, I would say that their alliance helped them a lot to make this significant breakthrough.
The battles which marked the last week were played between Hungary and Romania, but the most exceptional battle was the one which took place between Bulgaria and Croatia (a lot of damage was made on both sides, with a lot of high quality weapons and special items).
Brazil attacks Australia, Cuba, Portugal and Argentina
In the past seven days Brazil declared war against Australia and managed to conquer Western Australia, despite the effort of the Resistance Force of Australia to win back this region. Just a reminder, in the previous battles Australia lost some battles from Peru, so as of this moment they have only one original region in their proprietorship.
Brazil declared war on Cuba ten days ago. They managed to conquer Western Cuba leaving this country with absolutely no regions whatsoever. On the other side, their coordinated attack on Algarve, Portugal was not successful and they didn’t manage to win over this region.
Interlocutors commentary: Even now when OFC dissolved and many players moved to USA, Brazil still has a lot of players from many countries. Currently, they are led by an experienced Turkish commander and strategist. At this point their primary responsibility is to retain all the resources and regions they conquered, since they suffered a lot of damage. Beside participating in resistance wars, I don’t think that they will initiate a lot of battles before they recover and think through what their next step should be.

Bulgaria attacks Iran, Saudi Arabia and Croatia
In the past few days Bulgaria declared war on Saudi Arabia and India. They managed to conquer Hormozgan from Iran, El Hasa and Nejd from Saudi Arabia, Kaliningrad from Croatia and they will probably take over Pomerania too even though Poland lost this battle a day ago.
Interlocutors commentary: Bulgaria is a country that has been strong since the beginning of the game. They have always focused on a large percentage of resources and thanks to their location, they are in the position to make a move in every direction they want.
I strongly believe that Bulgaria has always been in the TOP 3 countries in the world. However, they depleted their resources a lot against Croatia, Saudi Arabia and Hungary...so in my humble opinion they will also retreat for a while to renew their military power (it will be easy with the weapons but they will need more time to renew their stash of rockets and energy bars).

Georgia attacks China, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and India
There are many ongoing wars in Georgia, however the most important attacks in the past seven days were on India where they gained another iron resource. China where they managed to conquer Penghu County, Heilongjiang, Tainan, Tibet, Qinghai and also took over Hindi and Gilgit - Baltistan from Saudi Arabia.
Interlocutors commentary: Georgia is a country without a clear plan and it is not ready to initiate a battle with anyone without the help of their allies. To be honest I do not know what their plan is in the near future, but they can hardly sustain many resistance wars if left alone. At this point they have a lot of regions under control, but they have a small base of active players.

Saudi Arabia attacks Iran, Sri Lanka, India, China, Georgia and many more
Saudi Arabia was more than active in the last couple of days. Their representatives declared war on Pakistan and India just a few days ago. In the last few days they attacked and conquered Fars and Esfahan from Iran, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from Pakistan and Gujarat from India. Beside these regions they’ve managed to conquer a lot more, however they couldn’t keep them under NOVA attacks.
Thailand reclaimed three regions from Saudi Arabia in the last few days: Odia, Bengali and Northeast India.
Interlocutors commentary: Like I mentioned before, Georgia and the NOVA alliance will do everything to claim all the regions which Saudi Arabia needs at this moment. I can say that Saudi Arabia is in big trouble since they have a lot of ongoing wars and they can expect a mive number of resistance wars in the near future. We will do everything to help them stay on the map.

Croatia attacks Poland and Bulgaria
Croatia declared war on Bulgaria five days ago. Same day they attacked Poland and conquered Silesia. After that they moved on to Moscow and Central Russia held by Bulgaria, where they didn’t have any luck. They lost Kaliningrad as I mentioned before, however they managed to defend Pomerania from Poland attacks.
Beside these battles, Croatia lost three more regions: Lithuanian Highland and Latgale by the Resistance Force of Latvia and Veneto which was conquered by the Resistance Force of Italy. The Resistance force of Germany also gained back Bavaria.
Interlocutors commentary: Croatia is also a very strong country, they can cause a mive damage but they have some internal issues. They don’t have a lot of active players who can run the country. In my humble opinion they will soon go to a state of hibernation (work and train) until a new set of ambitious players take over and start making the most suitable decisions for the whole nation.

France attacks Switzerland
France declared war on Switzerland a while ago, however they managed to conquer Bern, Graubunden and Wallis. They also tried to take over North-Rhine Westphalia from Ireland, but they weren’t victorious in that battle.
Interlocutors commentary: At this point France is doing whatever they can. They have a small base of active players, and in my humble opinion things will not change until some steps are made from the administration of this game (paid ads, social media...etc.).

Romania attacks Hungary
In the last few days, Hungary was attacked hard from their natural enemy. First they lost Southern Great Plain, then Central Hungary, Northern Hungary, Central Transdanubia and they will probably lose the Northern Great Plain region also in the war against Romania. Bratislava and Trnava were reclaimed by the Resistance Force of Slovakia.
Interlocutors commentary: Romania is hibernating at the moment. They have a few active players and that is it. They have some resources in Poland and they are satisfied with what they have. I do not see them in some bigger armed conflict.
As for Hungary, we helped them a lot through Mutual Protection Pacts, through the resistance war that Romania initiated in Ukraine and Poland, coordinated some military invasions, however that is not enough...obviously. We need to help them more in the future.

Peru attacks Indonesia, the Phillippines, Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia
This fast forwarding country declared war on Mexico and Indonesia in the last few days, and their military forces attacked and conquered Sumatra in Indonesia, Ruhunu and Maya in the war against Sri Lanka, Visayas in the war against Philippines, Tamil Nadu, Kannada and Konkani and Telugu in the war against Saudi Arabia.
Interlocutors commentary: Peru made an amazing breakthrough in the last couple of weeks. They are doing great in all fields. Which means that every country is capable to get everything they want, with some effort of course. Peru claimed a lot of regions, however they need to think about strategies which will help them obtain all the resources they collected recently.

USA attacks South Korea
The United States of America attacked and conquered the Seoul and Gyonggi region from South Korea.
Interlocutors commentary: The United States of America has always been a strong country. With the arrival of some OFC players they will become even stronger. At this point they don’t participate in any important battles, rather they are focused on retaining all the resources they have and improving their economy.
However, when they decide to attack, no one will be able to stop them.

We will finnish this analysis with the hope that you will find it useful. Subscribe or vote if that is the case, and leave a comment if you have something to say about everything what we mentioned in this article. If you find any mistakes or omissions, please be so kind and contact me via private message.
Have a nice one!
Yours truly,
Dilly Dally
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Good work but not accurate
Brazil has Cuba months now... Also Algarve war is Training war . Also there arent any conflicts between Argentina and Brazil, since Antartida is a region that Brazil has rented from Argies months now...

Great idea, next time ask someone good to help you not Cemi

great analyse v+sub + endorse

Nice job o7

Very poor analysis of Georgia tho, but whatever.

Thank you ChrisGeoRM for your comment. However, when I check the latest events logs I can see that Western Cuba was conquered by Brazil exactly 4 days ago. So I’m a bit confused now... If there are no conflicts between Brazil and Argentina, I will edit the article accordingly. Thank you!


Altair, I would like to hear your opinion. What is missing? Did I left out something important? Please, be so kind and share your thoughts with me... Thank you!

Good job, keep on.

@Dilly, when i was CP i left Cuba with a region in order to have DoW active. But after gov changed,they decided to get aluminum from Cuba ,so they wiped them. Although Cuba s regions belongs to Brazil since ww2 ended 

Cemi njab.
Chris arent you on vacation? XD

My Thailand is strong!!! o7

good job o7

Good work o7

For me this is the best article in the game from a lot of a lot of time. Some things I may add is that for example China was first aligned to Georgia and Georgia gave them the needed protection, but something influenced China to turn against Georgia. As for Romania, they truly are in hibernating month, but I think the war with hungary made them wake up and they do great job. I must mention tho that Hungary and Croatia surpassed all expectations and are doing amazing job on battlefield.

great article o7

Thank you for the kind words, danider!

Very nice article, keep them comming o/

Very nice article good job !

Good job!!! I haven t read article this food lately. Keep it going

Au devojcice svaka cast za trud!!!!

Hvala Vi! 

This is a very nice article. I hope there will be more o7

Dilly Dally, Concept of more regions mean more RW`s is wrong, it only works if enemy is nearby and can take that region away, if country is only pretender on that region, then regular RW`s on that region is just waste of gold, that`s why indeed to altair, Georgian part is wrong, plus we are not having any interests in India or etc, just China, rest were taken just to kick SA from region.

Nice article o7

Aveun, thank you for clarifying! However, I don t see what is wrong with the stats I mentioned before my interlocutors commentary... I never said that you have interests in India or any other country. If you read the whole article, you can see that there is another commentary which clearly says: Like I mentioned before, Georgia and the NOVA alliance will do everything to claim all the regions which Saudi Arabia needs at this moment.
So, at this point I can only conclude that you are dissatisfied with the commentary part of the analysis on Georgia. However, that is the personal perspective of my interviewee.

great work!

bravo, samo 37 suba nevjerujem

jbt kako si imala živaca ovo pisati

Kirito multer

V+s o7

Very nice 

Fuck yes! Good mídia is alive

Peru great !

Nebra007 bolje bih prosla da sam pravila sub4sub akciju. ☺️ Hvala na podrsci..

Samo tako dalje, uvjerljivo najbolje novine kaj sam pročitao na dvije igre čak

Good job! o7