Опубліковано в Mexico - Бойові накази - 27 Mar 2019 14:17 - 60

AlexFranAlexFranAlexFranSORAYA MONTENEGROkkkkLuis9601mistikoThedonitoThedonitoplue5MEGRELMlitacHidorionlilos989THOMAS Rpetros1AczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoAczinoCraaksCraaksBunfaskkkkBAYBORASt0L3njuanekdazo26dazo26Kingsman24chorrillanoNIKOLA257MermestesGravediggerreferentdragica1DavidpyTankiTugaWolfDejanCetateanul 23Коментарі (60)






brasil ya los vendio por 60 oros...


Join India


resistance my ass, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers


Say whatever you want, even when we were with you, we were asked to give Cuba to Brazil or war, and you said you preefered if we loaned them, then Mexico wanted to get it back and you sold us in the middle of the war against Peru to secure BG and USA bonuses.
Even so, Mexico told you we agreed to not fight until the last regions so you win your wars. Mexico was wiped.
You just care for your kind, keep farming please, we don t care to be the resistance.

resistance my ass, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers

resistance my ass, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers x3

Karma is looking back at you for what you did ...

Oh! And how many Countries have been wiped it Takeover for TNT? COME ON! JAJAJAJ YOU ARE RIDICULOUS

Gringos chilletas

o7 viva México viva Perú!

resistance my ass, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers x4

Nosotros solo usábamos Taiwan para tener donde ganar medallas de tp


resistance my dick, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers

@hungrykevin de que tanto lloran por taiwan? Ustedes no estaban en taiwan y se fueron corriendo a esconderse a usa? Creo q hasta aliados eramos... pfff.

@Pisco 你有你講我有我講都唔知你想點 你邊樹鄉下教你咁樣同人講野?

@hungrykevin eres el tipo webon que huye como cobarde de su pais y desde su hueco se pone a llorar.

@Pisco 係囉係囉 我都係咁諗 mexico 我是鬼旦加你個国家名上去又引你把友仔去估下到底我講緊乜 段估冇網站會識得點樣解呢句野掛


Go whine somewhere else Kevin no one cares about your shit

Actually we are moving to Mexico core to whine, see if you pathetic loser care

I talked to CarloSlim, I said I can give him regions in Taiwan so he can move to China. I help talk to Haak from South Korea and let you go inside China to have fun, yet you still choose to wipe Taiwan. Not for bonus, not for strategical reasons, CarloSlim told me Mexico will still wipe Taiwan, talk is over. Our talk is over long ago when CarloSlim make this thing super personal. I don t care if you are fake resistance but real oppressor to bully smaller countries, I don t care about justice or game balance or anything. The day you and your people make things personal, it WILL BE SUPER PERSONAL. Now is pay back time you ungraceful and disrespectful loser

Bully smaller countries said for a American citizen to wanted to rent Taiwan LOLOLOLOL

resistance my ass, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers x5

retard, i am native Taiwanese and I never ask Mexico for rent. Use your stupid ass brain to think before you fart, i mean talk.

o7 fuck TNT

Lol. México never tried to wipe Taiwan, please talk with acts and stop with lies.

Fact of the day, CarloSlim wants to wipe Taiwan. Lie of the day, Mugiwara said Mexico never tried to wipe Taiwan. The End.

Yeah Kevin go throw your typical bullshit somewhere else, i think we all have enough from your saltyness, Carlos never talked to you and you never talked to him, first he would tell us, second there is no proof of that, not even a SS, so stfu and go be a bitch somewhere else. thank you.

resistance my ass, you tried to wipe Taiwan for fun, now experience the same thing you disrespectful losers x6

Maybe Carlos did the same thing you did to people, back stabbing? Since you people are so good at it. https://prnt.sc/n41lno

Good for you, it s good to have resistance


Good luck

Albania has the same problem with Greece, they wiped us for real life problems and no reason ingame!


pray for us XD

1). Crying that TNT did not help you is so lame considering that I can personaly say that Romania at that time when you were in TNT had no open fronts and ALWAYS had its DOs set on your battles and a bunch of other countries had the same. 2) Going to the week side Brasil... its more like going to the VISA side that you knew will spen some dolars for you

Viva México Cabrones!

Lol Hengry, Carlos isn t México he is not allowed to send any battle.
Sad that all people judge a whole country for the some players behave.

you are getting wiped cause you backstabbed us and cause ya made kevin mad
and trust me ya gonna love the naps we will offer afterwards lol

we don delete albania for real life things.its a big lie.you say bad things for us and after we have many talks you always says that we are traitors and other bad things.even after we delte you and we start talk again you keep ofents us big time.so dont say lie to word about real stuf here

@donxaridis, for the word traitors ask your prev government and if it s not the real life thing that u destroyed albanian community here then tell me the real reason ?!