Опубліковано в Ireland - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 17 Mar 2019 13:58 - 14

Greeting from Ireland
A happy St Patricks Day to all in eRevollution 2
We in Ireland wanted to give you all a taste of real life Irish Culture
To start here are the Rubberbandits a comedy duo who are cutting edge :P
This video was a big hit and went viral a few years ago.
Now as everyone knows we in Ireland have a wonderful Animation vibe going on with Oscar nominated Movies produced. This video is the award winning short movie "GEIST" - by Giant Animation Studios.
So we have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world and the rugged nature of the west coast is breathtaking.

Skellig Michael

So people this day 17th March is a day to raise a gl of the black stuff and join us eIrish and celebrate our wonderful nation.

Stervoberry mcminnarBoikovMotoEl TarloEl TarloEl TarloNemetonMagnusSokiroMrFrogJohnadiMuebleitorG21LeBrahMrFrogjedimindtrickPirmadienispelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerpelmerViracochaberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarberry mcminnarMotogenovidevktabBasevicAlcekMacrnopericalatasScreamerBATRANUL99CentomaxWiperbhNicolaiUrzaelSniperGtmardelMacenNBarbarossaTyrantTyrantHarryPotterMalikTintilinicSweLLMr Gabiru 749EndlessnessBratExstazYmihovilTwitterLordBlackDustValukValukValukValukValukValukOdenseOdenseOdensesutanuNebra007RosielEl TarloDibexBeregondzikaartiljeracSumadinac195TBPTKOTomiAlbZapalkaAlejandroMarcheloFacebookGrizzly021PierJaКоментарі (14)

Move to Ireland and get free Guinness o7

I lived in Dublin nice beers fine women

You should see the rest of the country then you ll be really impressed 

I want 10 liters of guinness

Happy St Patrick s Day bro !

Hi Thomas we deal in Pints for Guinness
Here you go...

Happy St Patrick s Day!!

Thanks Tarlo Ron 

The nature is amazing.

Happy St. Patricks day to all of you! as a curious fact, here in México we celebrate the date as well, we do it specially to honor the St. Patrick Batallion, who where Irish soldiers who fought bravely for México in 1846-1848 while the USA invasion. o7

Happy St Patricks day o/

That s very interesting Muebleitor I didn t know this

