Опубліковано в Brazil - Бойові накази - 08 Jan 2019 09:46 - 46

FirebladeBrazaRadovljeSORAYA MONTENEGROKingorionAgent Mehdi47erev2telosКоментарі (46)

【OFC】Day 95 - Relocation to Brazil : https://www.erev2.com/en/article/2691

OFC o7


OFC o7

Nice o7


OFC o7

Relocation to log off o/

OFC o7


OFC o7


OFC o7

KFC o7

OFC o7

OFC o/

OFC 07

OFC o7

OFC o7


OFC o7


OFC o7

You are Off.


OFC o7


Hey look, it s a bird, it s a plane, oh, it s just OFC going to some other country from where they can prosper and not give anything back. Nice!

@Dama talk with facts plz.Having OFC in ur country besides the huge damage that u gain only from our ff,you also get huge tax profit.

As AjkeN-senpai once said: http://prntscr.com/m4oa5t , you must look at all the facts before making such a childish comment my good sir, I believe you know nothing of OFC and it s benefits for the host country

Yes, the comment could be childish, yes, you have a nice PR department, but the facts ruin the joke. Look, let me try: Hey look, it s a bird, it s a plane, oh, it s just OFC going to some other country from where they can prosper (due to the big bonuses) and also give the country their daily ff and big tax profits, while making big stocks used to make big profits fighting in big wars against that country and their MPPs (I know, i know, you also can fight for that country, if they pay, of course, which also makes you an unreliable source of damage for them, but that countries stats look way bigger now -because you are the 4th MU by damage in the world- and they can also praise that fact in the articles). Nice!

This may ruin the joke a little more, but some need to know that seeing your MPP in a battle fighting on the wrong side may open endless discussions, for which Bulgaria then, Brazil now, will only have the following explanation: It was OFC. An explanation which will not be seen by everybody, and then some of the trust between allies will go away

OFC o7, KFC o7

@DamaChen stop embarrassing your self more than this, if you wanna buy dmg go ahead, if you don t remain silent... the fact that OFC is this good and efficient is not deniable and this keeps the balance in game making it more fun for all
specially ppl who can bust your ass like us xD

@Dama i think most ppl here know that OFC is a mercenary mu,and i can guarantee you that all alliance HQs know it very well,so its not a problem if we hit against MPPs.When you have OFC in your country,you are more secure because OFC cant fight against you.And believe me OFC is one of the biggest enemies of big countries,since we can just fight in last 30 secs of RWs and screw their bonuses.I talk with facts my friend,and if im wrong then i dont know how to explain the interest of so many govs to bring us in their country.We are a neutral mu,we fight for all alliances against all alliances,so i see no problem to move from one alliance to ther other after a while.I think its fair for the opposite side to have us there aswell .Have a nice day.

OFC o7


Ratas de alcantarilla sin identidad

Welcome o7

OFC o7.... hail Asteria!