Опубліковано в Thailand - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 21 Dec 2018 06:25 - 37
This article was initially supposed to be a short one, but we have so many news about upcoming things for holidays, so beware #essayincoming.

There will be Daily Gifts from Day 80 to the Day 99 (including Day 99). You will be able to claim and receive one reward every day. If you don’t claim one (even if you logged in on that day), you won’t receive it and you can’t collect all 20 gifts which we prepared to you.
We would like to introduce you The speed week, when the whole week (from Day 87 to Day 93) will be x2 energy. We hope that you will like that and enjoy it.
During the holidays, we will add Workers when you buy Gold Pack:
20 Gold + 1 work tokens
45 Gold + 3 work tokens
125 Gold + 8 work tokens
275 Gold + 17 work tokens
420 Gold + 25 work tokens
There will also be a surprise pack available from 09.01.2019-13.01.2019 Its contents will be released on Day 96 (Jan 9nd)
From 31.12.2018 (Day 87), a new set of missions will start! They will be organized a little differently, so here are the basics:
1. First up, you will receive 10 gray “basic” missions
2. Upon their completion, 3 sets of missions will appear:
3 blue missions (Business category)
3 green missions (Soldier category)
3 red missions (Adventure category)
3. Once you complete 3 missions from one category, another 3 will open, and it will go like that until you complete all the missions from all categories; there will be 12 Business missions, 12 Soldier missions and 9 Adventure missions
4. When all of the missions from all categories are successfully completed, a new set of golden missions will appear
5. Missions will be active from 31.12.2018 to 01.02.2019 and you won’t have option to solve it with gold. There will be total of 48 missions.
You know what that means, plenty of fun!
- Declaring a war between 2 countries with MPP won’t delete MPP between them
- MPP will be deleted with the start of the first battle, but only between them (other MPPs won’t be lost from either side)
- If 2 of a country’s MPPs go into war, their battles won’t be visible from that country’s TP and TA section of Battles page; in order to fight there, one must travel to one of the countries involved and thus be able to fight for Ally
(Example: country A has MPPs with countries B and C; B and C go into war; country A still has MPPs with them, but their battle won’t show in country A’s Ally battles; in order to fight in their direct battle (B vs. C), they must move to either B or C to fight).
Act of War board will reset tomorrow (Day 78), so don’t let it catch you by surprise, collect the rewards you wanted do complete today, because tomorrow at day change everything will be set back to 0.
Training ground upgrade will be unlocked on Day 90, so on that day upgrade it first and train afterwards, because we won’t reimburse the strength difference.
Note that Moderator application period is closed for now and we are not recruiting new moderators anymore.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
Mestre Ancia0Dreamkiller1514RobiuhasB I T E RPunisherBRNOTEPADNOTEPADJorgeGaming23Коментарі (37)

Pole vampírica.




666 subs LOL

Samo jako

Marlock was here

This is just boosting high lvl players even more... We need rewards for newcomers...

VISA missions

Yes that s really cool

wow ❤️ its very nice news❤️

La fecha de término de las 48 nuevas misiones está mal... es 01 de febrero de 2019... no del 2018, a menos que volvamos en el tiempo! 😅

Good news

Adding work token only for shoppers?
Is better if you set the possibility to buy work token for gold!
Regarding training update.... 370 gold for the last lvl is crazy at the last we was payed 125! (the was discounts) will buy it only multiaccounter and who shop for made the upgrade (70€ for a train up of +5/day?????)
Think about admins...
(Sorry for errors but i m from smartphone)

La fecha de término de las 48 nuevas misiones está mal... es 01 de febrero de 2019... no del 2018, a menos que volvamos en el tiempo! 😅

Nice o7

Good news Admins. Keep the good work. o7

Oh yes.. 

New missions 🤩

Good job. Continue like this. 👍👍👍

You ve got the date wrong here:
There will also be a surprise pack available from 09.01.2018-13.01.2018 Its contents will be released on Day 96 (Jan 9nd)


Where is the Polish version, or some translation



mozes ti to bolje sa mpp-om 

Happy Holidays and Wish you a Merry Christmas!

Nice! o7

There will also be a surprise pack available from 09.01.2018-13.01.2018 Its contents will be released on Day 96 (Jan 9nd).I think the correct year its 2019 not 2018.

Why can not claim first gift? http://prntscr.com/lz3rvk
Or how to claim it?