Опубліковано в Brazil - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 19 Dec 2018 11:19 - 30
Hail Friends of SOA
Hail Irregular Militia
Hail Sons of Anarchy
About Sons of Anarchy and BG
With Wishes from a Weird Commander - Who would it be?
English Version
Spanish Version
Portuguese Version
Thanks for my friends Kirito and Governador for help to Subtitles
Let's make the game more fun! Make more articles
Hail Irregular Militia
Hail Sons of Anarchy
About Sons of Anarchy and BG
With Wishes from a Weird Commander - Who would it be?
English Version
Spanish Version
Portuguese Version
Thanks for my friends Kirito and Governador for help to Subtitles
Let's make the game more fun! Make more articles
Milk007Nieltonpetros2BrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaBrazaCelioMGPassiraPassiraPassiraPassiraPassiraPassiraThe KINGMestre Ancia0LordMarlockImmortal gurdSankyo YhanzoSankyo YhanzoКоментарі (30)


o7 :3 thanks Yoda ♥️♥️


Nice Job o7

Hail Friends of SOA
Hail Irregular Militia
Hail Sons of Anarchy

What a great job. Hail Yoda! o7

Kirito masca PlT0
La jean le dan por el pan


o7 SoA





07 😂😂

o7, hilarious


Hail Friends of SOA
Hail Irregular Militia
Hail Sons of Anarchy



Kirito sacate la Japi fe la boca, no entendi un carajoooo

One big lie. None of that is true.


@shirogane tú no entiende nintu mexicano xD

where is Catalan version?

Kirito, nunca mas traduzcas. jajaja. Buena! Bien epic!

Solo me queda claro que los calvos son Bulgaria, con Danider a la cabeza