Опубліковано в United States of America - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 15 Dec 2018 20:33 - 11
Dross RotzankGuepoGod RaRomperAdminКоментарі (11)
It s a joke. Trying to make light of the current eWorld. I don t care if you re offended. Gayachi is cool.
didn t even know there was someone in Israel
Stupid article
hahahahahha, this is the most random thing i saw this week
good one
you are free to contact me and my secretary will answer you shortly. I know that I am scary but I will be gentle with you, its your first time
Gayachi lol
of course like a kid you resort to namecalling
It is a joke and all funny and trying to make light of the eworld