Опубліковано в United States of America - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 27 Nov 2018 01:48 - 39

Greetings citizens of eRev,
This is the game. But in this kind of games we all meet new people, from our own countries and from others. So its always nice to see who is person behind game avatars that you speak with them daily or you saw them on important positions in country or alliance and I decided to present some of them to you today. I will start with USA government and in future will be more of this :D

Minister of Defense: Cypher

petros2DieselDamaChenbionixКоментарі (39)


I have fallen in love


Look at Naki showing his chest hairs. What a macho boi. x)

Well , There is no difference between Ktab his avatar 



kaveh $exy

Where’s Shiro?
No Shiro No Vote

I am not government lol will be in next one

Vidi ovog cigana Nikole 

Diesel looks like a porn star

@Hak That’s his side gig. CONFIRMED PM me for a link to one of his videos

@valuk89 what the hell is that filter? it looks like it s half photo/half drawing : D

fell in love with Diesel


Dont question this, aljo.

Ktab used picture of previous century... or maybe he is cosplay of Christos Ferentinos?

I got tricked! I was told everyone would take a pictur with an unbuttoned shirt!

Ajjaja nice xD


damn kaveh is ugly !

Diesel Skype me

where are the boobs?!

Diesel is really american face
gl guys,, p.s. peaky .I.

ha ha ha. great guys o7
i like all of them except Kaveh 🤪🍆

Peaky Blinder?

My God valuk you look like gay

i rather look like one than be one

Que asco puros multeros


haters gonna hate I m the most handsome 

Ktab seems like Turk hahaha