Опубліковано в Turkey - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 19 Nov 2018 00:20 - 12

What is the Mawlid? -The history of the annual birthday celebration (mawlid or maulid) of revered persons in Muslim communities goes back to the early period of Islam when Muslims started holding sessions in which poetry and songs were composed to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. Presently, Muslims worldwide celebrate the birthday of the Prophet (mawlid an-Nabi) annually.
Write in comments vote number. I will donate 50 Q5 Food to the first 15 people, cuz I have only 750 q5 food :) :)
Mawlid/Maulid Mubaraka!
katyushaSOLARSOLARКоментарі (12)

MEwlid Mubarek

v5, he sent me Q5 foods 

Mawlid Mubarak!

Hayirli Kandiller o/


maulid mubarak

v11 o7


Mawlid Mubarak...

v 13 mevlid mubarek


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