Опубліковано в Slovenia - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 10 Nov 2018 01:48 - 6

6 km long trail around the lake is just long enough for simple recreation (walks or bike rides). This trail also leads to sightseeing rises – Castle Hill and nearby hills with splendid views. Take a rest on one of the benches and enjoy the view on the lake with an island and the Karavanke mountains in the distance, and observe the ducks and swans playing on the surface of the lake. Rowing is a very lar sports activity in this area as Bled can pride itself with a long tradition of the rowing sport and with hosting international rowing competitions. During the summer visitors can cool down in the lake or enjoy on the Castle beach which each year attracts a great number of tourists. In extremely low winter temperatures the surface of the lake freezes. Would you dare to ice skate on its surface?
Formation of the lake
Once, there was a tectonic basin located at the place of the present lake, which was later on carved by the Bohinj glacier. The glacier found itself in front of an obstacle – a giant rock which it carved and chafed against for so long that only the island we know today remained. The ice melted and the basin was filled with water, thus creating a 2.12 km long and up to 1.30 km wide Lake Bled. Its maximum depth reaches up to 30.6 m, making it ideal for diving exploration.