Опубліковано в United States of America - Соціальні взаємодії та розваги - 09 Nov 2018 00:10 - 47
Dear citizens,
In this article we would like to inform you about some new things we have prepared for you for the upcoming period.
First of all, we have 12 brand new missions, which will last from Day 36 until Day 52 (Day 51 being the last day for finishing them).
Solving these missions will give you some good prizes, so do your best to finish them successfully. If you would like to know about the prizes, you will have to wait and find out on your own. Missions are of different strength, some are easy to solve, and some are hard.
The missions are these:
1. News writer – Gain 50 votes in one of your newspapers articles
2. Franz Kafka – Gain 200 votes in one of your newspapers articles
3. Small fish – Spend 10 work tokens
4. Loyal worker – Work 20 times
5. Become stronger – Gain 100 strength
6. Sniper rifle – Make 1000 hits using any kind of weapon
7. Bird nest – Make 5000 hits
8. Battleground Hero –Make 8.000.000 damage
9. Energy maniac – Recover 5000 energy
10. Merchant – Sell 500 products
11. Hero of liberty – Make 500 hits for the winning side of a Resistance War
12. New rank – Advance to a new military rank
Weekly event – Lucky Dice
This event begins on Day 49 and lasts until Day 66 (Day 65 being the last day of the event).
Every day at Day change, a player will receive 2 dice which he/she can use in the event. Each field on the board contains a prize of some sort, and you will receive the one where your dice brings you. You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will have 5% chance per hit to receive additional dice. Another way to receive additional dice is by buying gold packs from the Store. After you collect all prizes from a board, it will reset and you will be able to collect the prizes again from the beginning.
We won’t reveal amount of the prizes just yet, you will have to wait for the event to start to find them out for yourselves.

NOTE: You only have 5% chance to gain additional dice if you fight with default 100hp by pressing fight button in battle
Like before, we are still helping you around Baby Booms and game promotion. Players which have good ideas on how to organize baby boom can contact us, they will be rewarded for it, and the administration will send them food to support new players.
Ambador medal can be received for inviting 30 players which will reach level 30. Along with the Ambador medal on your profile, you will also receive 100gold as a reward.
We have created banners and posters for each country individually to help in promotion of the game. You can find banners in Store - Gold Bonus page.

We are really grateful for all the help we received from the players so far, and we are trying to meet your demands as quickly as possible. The best way to send questions, reports and suggestions is our Support where you will receive an answer promptly.
Regarding further advancement of the game, we already have many things planned for the future, but together with you, your suggestions and critics we can make ways for further improvement. Write us your suggestions about what would you like to see implemented in the game, so maybe we can make such changes happen at mutual pleasure.
Translated versions of the game are already implemented in some languages. If the game isn’t translated into your language just yet and you would like to do it, please send us an e-mail or a ticket to Support, so we can send you a translation file.
That is all for now. We truly hope you will like these missions and event and have fun fulfilling them.
- Strength will be removed from rewards and replaced with some other reward.
- We didn't forget about Black Friday(23.11.2018) :)
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
In this article we would like to inform you about some new things we have prepared for you for the upcoming period.
First of all, we have 12 brand new missions, which will last from Day 36 until Day 52 (Day 51 being the last day for finishing them).
Solving these missions will give you some good prizes, so do your best to finish them successfully. If you would like to know about the prizes, you will have to wait and find out on your own. Missions are of different strength, some are easy to solve, and some are hard.
The missions are these:
1. News writer – Gain 50 votes in one of your newspapers articles
2. Franz Kafka – Gain 200 votes in one of your newspapers articles
3. Small fish – Spend 10 work tokens
4. Loyal worker – Work 20 times
5. Become stronger – Gain 100 strength
6. Sniper rifle – Make 1000 hits using any kind of weapon
7. Bird nest – Make 5000 hits
8. Battleground Hero –Make 8.000.000 damage
9. Energy maniac – Recover 5000 energy
10. Merchant – Sell 500 products
11. Hero of liberty – Make 500 hits for the winning side of a Resistance War
12. New rank – Advance to a new military rank
Weekly event – Lucky Dice
This event begins on Day 49 and lasts until Day 66 (Day 65 being the last day of the event).
Every day at Day change, a player will receive 2 dice which he/she can use in the event. Each field on the board contains a prize of some sort, and you will receive the one where your dice brings you. You can also receive dice in the battlefield, where you will have 5% chance per hit to receive additional dice. Another way to receive additional dice is by buying gold packs from the Store. After you collect all prizes from a board, it will reset and you will be able to collect the prizes again from the beginning.
We won’t reveal amount of the prizes just yet, you will have to wait for the event to start to find them out for yourselves.

NOTE: You only have 5% chance to gain additional dice if you fight with default 100hp by pressing fight button in battle
Like before, we are still helping you around Baby Booms and game promotion. Players which have good ideas on how to organize baby boom can contact us, they will be rewarded for it, and the administration will send them food to support new players.
Ambador medal can be received for inviting 30 players which will reach level 30. Along with the Ambador medal on your profile, you will also receive 100gold as a reward.
We have created banners and posters for each country individually to help in promotion of the game. You can find banners in Store - Gold Bonus page.

We are really grateful for all the help we received from the players so far, and we are trying to meet your demands as quickly as possible. The best way to send questions, reports and suggestions is our Support where you will receive an answer promptly.
Regarding further advancement of the game, we already have many things planned for the future, but together with you, your suggestions and critics we can make ways for further improvement. Write us your suggestions about what would you like to see implemented in the game, so maybe we can make such changes happen at mutual pleasure.
Translated versions of the game are already implemented in some languages. If the game isn’t translated into your language just yet and you would like to do it, please send us an e-mail or a ticket to Support, so we can send you a translation file.
That is all for now. We truly hope you will like these missions and event and have fun fulfilling them.
- Strength will be removed from rewards and replaced with some other reward.
- We didn't forget about Black Friday(23.11.2018) :)
Best regards,
eRevollution Team

RomperKlek357Коментарі (47)

First send pirinc o7


oh great lucky dice with strength


It s not bad ☺

There are going to be many articles with 200 votes 

Admin your article will not take here 200 votes

I hate lucky dice

Players.... lets unite for 200 vote mission o/


[Ambassador medal can be received for inviting 30 players which will reach level 30]


V 4 v will swamp channels. Fair game like always. Good job admins


vote 4 vote spam incomming :sweatsmile:

i think no player can gain str with luck.
this is wrong delete str from prize.

Just delete STR and everything else is perfect o7 Nice to see this 

No str on lucky dice please

Reduce vote from 200 to 100 it s almost impossible


No strong in Lucky dice please!

No strength in LD o/

No str as prize.

Bolje prodajte sve evo, uzite drogu, i zivite par godina ki gospoda.


Vote your article. Do the best for a fair game and make it interesting day by day!

promotin baby booms.. also make game only pay2play.. sekula logic haahah

I have bad luck. Thanks admin

dont give strenght!

I bet you won t get 200 votes 

No STR as reward.

no vote cekam erev3 

am i a joke to you

All will finish dice if play daily... dont worry

No str in rewards!

this is nice for informing us about challenges!!

Banners you created are sometimes ridiculous.

No STR as reward.

y ahora viene el ejercito de multicuentas a sacar provecho del evento :]

make sure multis wont abuse the missions. dont repeat the same mistake as last missions

Hard game for play !

We want better admins...