Yayınlanan yer Indonesia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 18 Apr 2024 12:00 - 4
1. One hectare of hemp releases as much oxygen into the air as 25 hectares of forest. Plus, hemp takes 4 months to grow and a tree takes 20 years;
2. From one hectare of hemp you will get as much paper as you get from 4 hectares of forest (again, keep in mind the time needed for hemp and wood to grow);
3. Fabrics, ropes, bags, shoes are made from hemp, in addition to paper;
4. Hemp plantation CLEANS THE AIR, among other things, FROM RADIATION;
5. Hemp is not attacked by any plant parasite, and it is not necessary to spray it with pesticides. Even if you plant hemp among other crops, those other crops will be protected from parasites thanks to the guardian: hemp;
6. Textiles and linens produced from hemp are of the best possible quality, and cannot be surped even by linen linen;
7. Hemp can be grown all over the world, and needs a minimal amount of water;
8. Not all hemp is "marijuana" at the same time, that is, only Indian hemp is an opiate, other varieties of hemp are not;
9. Plastic is made from hemp, which is completely ecological and does not pollute the environment;
10. Thermal insulation for buildings and houses is made from hemp, which is cheap, durable, flexible and completely ecological, does not contain chemicals and has a much better performance than thermal insulation produced from any other material;
11. Hemp contains two fatty acids that do not occur anywhere else in nature, and have enormous nutritional value;
12. Hemp can be used to produce soaps and cosmetics that do not pollute water, and are completely organic and ecological;
13. Hemp can also be used as firewood (in the form of briquettes) and in this way the consumption of firewood can be drastically reduced (and again keep in mind the time needed for hemp to grow, and for wood to grow);
14. These are only the industrial and technical applications and benefits of hemp, which in this sense is superior to all other organic and inorganic alternatives. The medical applications and benefits of hemp are even greater than those listed;
15. Ask yourself WHO is in the interest of paper, plastic, textiles, thermal insulation and everything else NOT being made from hemp. Ask yourself who it is in the interests of the plants not to protect themselves from pests with hemp, but with chemicals. Ask yourself who is in the interest of not purifying the air with hemp. Ask yourself who is interested in cutting down acres and acres of forest for something that can be used for a WEED PLANT, which has a better and faster and higher yield than the forest. Ask yourself, whose interest is it that hemp is not used in industry and technology, even in medicine?
16. And finally, in whose interest is it to CRIMINALIZE an entire plant species, just because ONE strain in that species is an "opiate"? Isn't it the same as when you have a group of 200 people, of which 1 is a thief and the other 199 are honest people, and then you declare these 199 honest people thieves because of this one?