
Yayınlanan yer Serbia - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 22 Jan 2023 06:09 - 9

Not many people know, but Serbia was one of the first countries in the world to officially abolish slavery and feudalism.

Moreover, the first Serbian constitution from 1835 even had a provision that gave fre to every slave who set foot on Serbian soil. Article 118 of the Constitution of Sretenji states:

"118) When a slave enters Serbian land, from that moment he becomes free, either whoever brought him to Serbia, or he escaped to it."

While much of Western Europe and the United States encouraged their colonialism and slave systems like Belgium (which kept a human zoo in the heart of Europe until 1958)

Serbs are savages, and Belgians are civilized. That's what the press says...



Yorumlar (9)

On November 29, 1810, in Guadalajara, México; the “abolition of slavery” was decreed.
👏 👏 👏
That being against the clamors of nature, selling men, the laws of slavery are abolished not only in terms of the traffic and trade that were made of them, but also in relation to acquisitions Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla Gallaga Mandarte y Villaseñor (8 mayo 1753 - 30 julio 1811)
Slavery was abolished yet some of you are still racists.............
Брат је мио, које вјере био, само да је брат Србин Wink
Prophet Muhammad, even before he was commissioned by God as a prophet, valued human dignity and was against slavery. When he got married at the age of 25 to a rich widow, Khadija, she offered all her worldly possessions to him. This included many slaves she had had. The prophet right away freed all the slaves.
Whan a great mascarade hope someone here who dont know hostory can believe you Smile
pavelcho, it is simple now to check ALL WORLDS LAWS, new and old one. Just visit government officials page abaut and you will see. This is a true, don t miss next my article i will talk abaut Serbian Bulgaria war.
Serbia y México comparten lazos muy interesantes. Con toda responsabilidad apoyaría un mayor acercamiento a Serbia, y por qué no, ser aliados. He de confesar que con Serbia nunca he tenido un conflicto alguno, es más he sido beneficiado por el comercio con algunos miembros de este país. Saludos espero y no se eche este comentario en saco roto.