Yayınlanan yer Saudi Arabia - Siyasi tartışmalar ve analizler - 12 Jun 2022 01:52 - 0
Just to respond at comment since it would be easier to read in new article because in comment sections I cant use "Special characters".
So lets start.
AB: I will try to say this objectively and this is my opinion.
In my opinion you make mistakes for letting Mexico go away to other side. Slightly favored their side with damage you push tide in their favor by huge.
What you should do. You should talk with Mexico anyhow to make them at least neutral or to see how to get them back.
What you did. Worst possible decision. You try to punish them for leaving us , by threat of their deletion. This way you push them permanently to another side.
Ofcourse you didnt win. What is next move. Wars today with all this pets , huge wells , and not enough big production to compensate huge hits made your country drained. You need to close wars.
You seek for terms of NAP Behind backs of your allies you negotiate about ending war. Mistake is not speaking with your allies.
You sign NAP With this signed you put SA in desperate position (Teaching a lesson, but cl with Mexico didn't went good right?) Not realizing mistake of teaching Mexico you do same with SA.
The only salvation I see for eSerbia is to search for new allies in Fyrom, and to make thing better with Romania or sign alliance with Bulgaria.
So your mandate resulted in loosing 2 allies , drained country from wars. If that's more than enough for you I believe you.
One thing is for sure. What eSerbia had before , when I was making videos about this game, I really doubt it will come back any time soon.
Best regards.
So lets start.
AB: I will try to say this objectively and this is my opinion.
In my opinion you make mistakes for letting Mexico go away to other side. Slightly favored their side with damage you push tide in their favor by huge.
What you should do. You should talk with Mexico anyhow to make them at least neutral or to see how to get them back.
What you did. Worst possible decision. You try to punish them for leaving us , by threat of their deletion. This way you push them permanently to another side.
Ofcourse you didnt win. What is next move. Wars today with all this pets , huge wells , and not enough big production to compensate huge hits made your country drained. You need to close wars.
You seek for terms of NAP Behind backs of your allies you negotiate about ending war. Mistake is not speaking with your allies.
You sign NAP With this signed you put SA in desperate position (Teaching a lesson, but cl with Mexico didn't went good right?) Not realizing mistake of teaching Mexico you do same with SA.
The only salvation I see for eSerbia is to search for new allies in Fyrom, and to make thing better with Romania or sign alliance with Bulgaria.
So your mandate resulted in loosing 2 allies , drained country from wars. If that's more than enough for you I believe you.
One thing is for sure. What eSerbia had before , when I was making videos about this game, I really doubt it will come back any time soon.
Best regards.
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