KFC News

Yayınlanan yer Poland - Sosyal etkileşim ve eğlence - 20 Nov 2019 02:27 - 33

Join Loland Today!

In Loland we make dreams come true.
We always dreamed about space.

No one believed in us. But we did it.

And we built a death star, so you can get scared now.

This is not the end.
For our best soldiers, we have a daily dose of food q6

Our goals?

We have only one, try not to wipe Bulgaria... well at least not during this year.
Join NOW.


Polyarnyy MedvedJamesdelaneyjedimindtrickClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentTenebrisShota masterKlek357TarsiAlexIICimbomluAlex

Yorumlar (33)

Good luck
2020 will be difficult for Bulgaria Cheeky
wow death star, poland flag on moon, q6 food. what is this? article from future? Laugh Laugh Laugh
Hail Poland, hail KFC Laugh
HAIL POLAND,good luck guys,love you so much!!!
Gl loland LaughLaugh q6 food is so funny Laugh
hail Indonesia
Some people don t know what their flag looks like. Shame.
Oh you are right. My bad.
Indonesian power!!!
When did poland change their flag? How long I was drunk?
Smile GL
this article is from future so the poland flag changed too Laugh
Some people don t know what their flag looks like. Shame.
Lol, vote for Indonezia !
Good Luck o7
Gl loland LaughLaugh q6 food is so funny Laugh
it s not Poland flag , it s Loland flag Smile
bez polskie wersji gry niema co nawet marzyć o lolandzie
aaa perrrroooooo, me habia olvidado que polonia fue el primer pais en visitar el Sol.... de noche.... para no quemarse Wink
Laugh Laugh Laugh
BG bottelignt
😂😂😂 Good article
Its Indonesia Flag not Loland
Poland is what every bulgarian player is scared of.
Hail Indonesia o7
But... I was joining Poland, not Loland.