Publicat in Iran - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 27 Nov 2023 13:43 - 21

I offer a reward to any real player who has chatted outside of the game with any citizen of Iran other than Barbie!
*Only conversations prior to this publication will be allowed
*An authenticity examination will be carried out
*Conversations between Iranian citizens (and country proxys
A reward will be sent, the community is eager to know if there are real players in Iran, not even Iran's ex-allies are sure about this.
To this day there are no reports of a single conversation outside the game from another Iranian player, how can one player control so many accounts? How many real players are there really in Iran? Another article to help you with your mission
Vote to help their mission
Paul JrPaul JrPaul JrPaul JrFarenseFarenseTransminTransminTransminTransminTransminSatoruComentarii (21)

I am very happy that you always come and talk funny things with your multis, some of our players made accounts with real names that even you don t know and tell everyone that they are multi barbod 😂
I am not upset with you and your multi because you prove with your words that you are very noob😂
We have been back in the game for 6 months and made you cry every day, rest assured that the more you offend, the more pain you will endure in the future...
More tears will await the rude and traitors 🤏
The end.

come to telegram talk to me
leave your number i will sens msg from the UAE
im one of barbod s multi
but send your reward from main account i dont wanna be banned because of multi s reward 

where are you ? just you came to publish newspaper and wnet back to your main account ?

Barbie is crazy, poor girl 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Ezrail you are not from Iran, so you are not eligible for the rewards, sorry 🙃

One of the ways to identify multi is by participating and being online at the same time, Indonesia is the biggest producer of multi in the game because their accounts cannot secure their battles at the same time and we have seen many times that their accounts take turns to battle went online, Iranians attacked your wars many times with maximum accounts, but why every time all the accounts in your country went offline and only two accounts entered the war?
answer the questions noob multy

Barbie wanting to explain herself on another account, put Hermione to comment too xD

Does anyone have any conversations with real Iranian players? Until now, nothing, no news 🙃

im iranian and i come to the UAE to take control of here before me idk whos multi was cp of here still they are here

Be khoda man hazeram oni ke poshte in multi neshaste ro davat konam iran yek hafte bebarimrsh shomal va faghat begim to harf bezan baramon, kheili pakhme tashrif dare in baba


Ive tried, but I never managed to have this privilege, it would have made it much easier to be able to talk to a diplomatic player from this country, but unfortunately I was held hostage by just one player who has the type of attitudes and comments that everyone is starting to get used to seeing, the which is neither friendly nor strategic, greetings friend and be careful o7

it s fake news no reward im going to sleep
tomorrow we have epic battle in other games 

Relax Paul!
@Ezrail youre from the UAE, not Iran, dont insist! Apparently Barbie is alone there lol

It really makes me laugh when I see that you call Iranians multy and try your best to make barbod look bad in the minds of Iranians and other game players, You are noob player with fake account and multy. I will be silent from this moment like all my friends and Iranians and I will not chat with you anymore, you make us more angry every day. End

Calm down barbie, you are really terrible diplomatically, we are increasingly sure that there is no one in Iran but you, congratulations on controlling all these accounts 🙃

بسوز بدبخت 😂😂

Ramdon:¿Eres iraní?
Ramdon 2: Si.
Okey es suficiente para mi.
Random: Are you Iranian?
Random 2: Yes.
Okay that s enough for me.

Random? Jajaja xD

Bruuh Barbod the self-destructive

سلام به همه مولتی بازآ

حیف 🙂