Barbie world

Publicat in Iran - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 25 Nov 2023 15:54 - 18


Paul JrPaul JrPaul JrPaul JrJ WickJ WickJ WickJ WickEvansEvansEvansEvansEvansChaingunArtiom BeleaevArtiom BeleaevFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFrankyFarenseFarenseRodinelkyRodinelky

Comentarii (18)

You are slandering accounts that are known in all games and are among the oldest players of this game style... We participated in more than 40 OH with all accounts, but you can t deal damage in one battle at the same time because all your accounts are multi... N00b player xD
He thinks someone believes his stories. 40 OH for what? For each fake account to cause 1 b of damage? Is this to say that it is not multi? Do you need psychological treatment XD
I bet you don t know what OH means xD old players know what I m talking about... If I have so many known multis in all games and I can use them simultaneously in all games and in all battles, then you are so stupid... xD
Good luck trying to convince everyone that you don t have multis lol
I don t need to convince others, you call accounts that are my multi who entered this style of games several years before me and are among the oldest players in this style of games, you are a funny multi 😄
Yes, These multis of yours are very old, yes, trust Etc.... Congratulations on your patience in controlling half of them
I am happy to have an enemy like you... all these accounts are old players of the same game... and all these accounts were present many times at the same time in the last minute of your rws, I invite my friends to the game But the attractiveness of the game makes them continue or leave the game... N00b multi xD
You don t even know the players who put the real name on their accounts because you are a new player n00b who chats with fake accounts xD
Enemies are the only thing you have here, in fact there is only you behind them and everyone here knows that, it s a shame that the admin doesn t do anything...
Looking for anyone who has talked to any Iranian player outside of the game other than Barbie, I offer a reward! Any player with experience will look at these links and look at both sides of the war, he will understand... Don t torture yourself too much because no one will pay attention to you.
Why is this not online in any war, the last minute of the war? It is quite clear who are the main branches of their multis in history of wars I found another multi 🤣🤣🤣 بچه ها همینطور که ما با انگول کردن اینا داریم لذت میبریم برارید اینا هم با این حرفا پمادی باشه رو سوختگیشون 🤣🤣🤣
@Ezrail 😂😂😀
اینا همشون پورفسورن 😂😂 معتقدن کل بچه های ایران که جزو قدیمی های این سبک بازی هستن همگی مولتی منن، ولی اکانت های خودشون که هنوز همشون یکجا آنلاین نشدن و یه عملیات نرفتن اکانت های اصلین 😂😂 اکانت هامون قوی بشه میفهن که فرق مولتی با پلیر با تجربه چیه... اشتباه بدی کردن که آینده ثابتش میکنه... البته نیازی به آینده هم نیست از پلیر های دیگه که مارو می‌شناسن هم بپرسن میفهن که دنیا دست کیه
@barbod کلانتر ک تو شهر نباشه غورباقه هفت تیر میکشه متاسفانه خورشید ما غروب کرد اون موقع ک شاخ بودیم کسی خایه این زر زرا رو نداشت
@armageddon دادا همین الانشم ما اینجارو جدی بازی نمیکنیم و فقط از اذیت کردن اینا داریم لذت می‌بریم 😂😂 یارو همه میدونن مولتیاش کدوماست بعد با مولتی هاش میاد به بچه های ما میگه مولتی بدون اینکه خندش بگیره😂😂