Publicat in Japan - Interactiuni sociale si divertisment - 01 Jun 2023 13:36 - 18
Konnichiwa, honorable citizens!
As your Sensei and President in the captivating realm of eRevollution, I bring you tidings infused with the essence of Japan.
I hope you're all as pumped as I am to be part of this epic game where we get to shape the fate of our very own country. As your President, I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts, highlight the cool stuff we can do, and get you all fired up for an amazing adventure ahead.
First of all, I wanna congrats admin for his hard work and wish him and all the players a fun game :P
2nd of all, I beg admin to use a bigger font for his articles, so we dont have to zoom in 1000%. my eyes started bleeding, after reading all the article.
Ok enough of me admiring admin, he will give me some gold for this anyways, so lets get to the topic and keep this as our little secret! :P
Summer Lottery
A really good event! rewarding people who hit a lot, it will encourage people to shoot even more and collect cards and good for the food producers and fat people, who eat a lot.
Quest Season
I have no experience of this event, but I ume that instead of clicking on a map, you will have to solve some game related stuff, like hitting, buying, starting a RW and such and quests will have a time limit to be solved. really eager and impatient to see how it works! :P
This event will have extra rewards if you a golden ticket pack, so prepare your credit cards! :D
If any player has any experience of this event, he can contact me via in game message and help me editing this and receive a humble reward!
Beyond The Limit
Important aspect of this event is that, as well as rewarding players individually, it has a nationwide and worldwide leader board, so players can race in something other than weekly tournament and will have to compete each other fiercely! show no mercy! best of lucks to all!
Party Boost
Simple, help people whom you have invited, help them level up faster and enjoy rewards! or even invite more people!
Game Economy!
Food consumption will be even higher, cause rewards of events seems mostly to be hyper bars and admin has even started, with gifting people with 5 hyper bars today! :P
Production will go down, since there will be no business centers from packs!
Many big and medium visas will need to buy gold from the store, cause only golden ticket pack will be available to sell!
I ume golden pack price will drop a bit, cause other packs will not be available to sell and there will be more sellers of this type of the pack!
So my fellow citizens, get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure. I'm stoked to be your President and serve you all with style, humor, and a touch of awesomeness. Together, let's conquer eRevollution and make our country the envy of every pixelated nation out there! Stay amazing,
The Coolest Sensei of Japan
special thanks to Ahileus for reviewing the article
a sight for the sore eyes :

As your Sensei and President in the captivating realm of eRevollution, I bring you tidings infused with the essence of Japan.
I hope you're all as pumped as I am to be part of this epic game where we get to shape the fate of our very own country. As your President, I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts, highlight the cool stuff we can do, and get you all fired up for an amazing adventure ahead.
First of all, I wanna congrats admin for his hard work and wish him and all the players a fun game :P
2nd of all, I beg admin to use a bigger font for his articles, so we dont have to zoom in 1000%. my eyes started bleeding, after reading all the article.
Ok enough of me admiring admin, he will give me some gold for this anyways, so lets get to the topic and keep this as our little secret! :P
Summer Lottery
A really good event! rewarding people who hit a lot, it will encourage people to shoot even more and collect cards and good for the food producers and fat people, who eat a lot.
Quest Season
I have no experience of this event, but I ume that instead of clicking on a map, you will have to solve some game related stuff, like hitting, buying, starting a RW and such and quests will have a time limit to be solved. really eager and impatient to see how it works! :P
This event will have extra rewards if you a golden ticket pack, so prepare your credit cards! :D
If any player has any experience of this event, he can contact me via in game message and help me editing this and receive a humble reward!
Beyond The Limit
Important aspect of this event is that, as well as rewarding players individually, it has a nationwide and worldwide leader board, so players can race in something other than weekly tournament and will have to compete each other fiercely! show no mercy! best of lucks to all!
Party Boost
Simple, help people whom you have invited, help them level up faster and enjoy rewards! or even invite more people!
Game Economy!
Food consumption will be even higher, cause rewards of events seems mostly to be hyper bars and admin has even started, with gifting people with 5 hyper bars today! :P
Production will go down, since there will be no business centers from packs!
Many big and medium visas will need to buy gold from the store, cause only golden ticket pack will be available to sell!
I ume golden pack price will drop a bit, cause other packs will not be available to sell and there will be more sellers of this type of the pack!
So my fellow citizens, get ready for an adrenaline-pumping adventure. I'm stoked to be your President and serve you all with style, humor, and a touch of awesomeness. Together, let's conquer eRevollution and make our country the envy of every pixelated nation out there! Stay amazing,
The Coolest Sensei of Japan
special thanks to Ahileus for reviewing the article
a sight for the sore eyes :

AhileusJomiabeAhileusBarbodStevanGSeikoKosingasEvansBunnyliuAdminAdminAdminAdminDarth BaneiragsarlakClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentvalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallavalhallaValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukValukDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneDarth BaneTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeTheArchistrategeAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelAzraelIgnis17Comentarii (18)

first denied!

aaah, that s what the admin wants.. praise and flattery... ok, noted =P Hail Japan!


I am proud to have such a cool president!

Do note that you are ONLY Japan`s president, not OURS... you seek to much attention to yourself and give yourself to much importance than you really have...

Cry more Assman!

Imagine crying that someone is writing an article about an in-game topic. How obsessive can someone be.

Napoleon syndrome its called... have your so called president checked out...
he may not even know he suffers from it...

Good job, hail Japan o/

hahaha just marry the admin or give him childrens haha
too much flattery for my eyes, but i got the point, i hope u receive the gold =P
these are events that consume a lot a lot of food, every event is for the food.
the gold ticket packs is in 1800g
rarely or just a desesperate one sells lower
i like ur articles

nice one, Admin is favoring Serbia but i understand new players perspective

Throwing the dead rat in someone elses garden is Boby`s specialty... telling us the Admin favors Serbia when infact its the other way around...

No wonder Yasmina gender is put into question. The amount of emojis he/she/it posts, it feels like one is conversing with a girl. Ohh yehhh you must be talking about your so called president

kissy kissy good night Assmin!

It’s ok yasmina, don’t cry.

Hi Kaven, Good article!! If you have any questions, feel free to write me.