Publicat in Japan - Analiza de razboi - 26 May 2023 14:50 - 14
o dear readers!
I will try to make general lace of the Japan acquainted with the game happenings
Saudi Arabia holding on into 100% food bonus another week best of lucks to you!
USA still holding its ground in a 2 fronts war against Spain and Mexico
one man army Clark Kent! nothing else to say!
Bulgaria achieved 100% house bonus this week! congrats to them too!
Germany is now a paradise for producers! cheap cc low tax rate! what are you waiting for?
and Japan keeps its neutrality and smashing North Korea everyday!
Spain has called its ally Romania to help against USA and Canada has joined in the side of USA in the war in the Iberian Peninsula! or better to tell now peninsula of itself!
China's attack on Taiwan which astonished game world has been just a training war!
Romania is advancing in Austria! lets see whose their next target is!
Indonesia after a week of internal mysterious changes is now trying to re establish its bonus network and at the same time their invasion war against Peru is going on!
eternal clash of Greece and Republic of Macedonia is going on! and Israel sadly is still wiped!
Iran is taking back its cores after some short talks with Turkey and Saudi Arabia! what a fair play!
that is all for this week
best wishes
Country president of Japan
I will try to make general lace of the Japan acquainted with the game happenings
Saudi Arabia holding on into 100% food bonus another week best of lucks to you!
USA still holding its ground in a 2 fronts war against Spain and Mexico
one man army Clark Kent! nothing else to say!
Bulgaria achieved 100% house bonus this week! congrats to them too!
Germany is now a paradise for producers! cheap cc low tax rate! what are you waiting for?
and Japan keeps its neutrality and smashing North Korea everyday!
Spain has called its ally Romania to help against USA and Canada has joined in the side of USA in the war in the Iberian Peninsula! or better to tell now peninsula of itself!
China's attack on Taiwan which astonished game world has been just a training war!
Romania is advancing in Austria! lets see whose their next target is!
Indonesia after a week of internal mysterious changes is now trying to re establish its bonus network and at the same time their invasion war against Peru is going on!
eternal clash of Greece and Republic of Macedonia is going on! and Israel sadly is still wiped!
Iran is taking back its cores after some short talks with Turkey and Saudi Arabia! what a fair play!
that is all for this week
best wishes
Country president of Japan
SaferSaferTransminHailipiPaul JrTransminTransminTransminLucious LyonKosingasAhileusBunnyliuDarkfuryDARKWOLFClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentClark KentAleksandarrSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGSimonaBGxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxxAtilaBGxComentarii (14)

first denied!

First declined

Stop spreading lies... SA still has 100% BONUS on food...

sorry Assmin just my mistake but you could use a better tone! will be edited!

I use the tone I want... (PS: tone is something that can be heard not seen... stop being a kid and cry for nothing..)

ok kissy kissy good night now!

Ass-min little kid

Very good s+ v+

Sub 13

V + S (14)

Cool, new sub and vote. o7


Nice finally someone that inform about world situation, its like wake up in the morning and see the news

Nice one