Publicat in United Kingdom - Dezbateri si analiza politica - 18 Mar 2023 03:02 - 11

Dear community,
today we are happy to announce few facts from our UK's community to the erev world.
First of all, thanks everyone to support and help us at start, we keep growing as community and we invite everyone to come and participate at this project, we are people from all globe so you will be welcome. So don`t be afraid and come to UK!
On second way, after a long term of speaking and fighting each other we finally find a way to solve the Ireland-Uk war, like we said since start we didn`t want to fight on that battle. On other side, Wiston spoke with his citizens and decide to end this conflict in order to help allies. So we are glad to announce this war that has been during almosT 1 month end. The term of this end is easy, irish cores are for Ireland and UK cores for Uk.
On third way, we announce that we start Trainning wars with Spain, Croatia and probably will start some new trainning war soon, so we will be informing if we need to win/lose that battles. Once again thanks everyone to make this posible.
To end this article i just can say thanks for advices, help and feel free to contact UK to speak in case you need something from us. Send pm to me or to Pantod.

KosingasPiratesNeverDieDuque de SantangeloStevanGPaul JrAhileusComentarii (11)


God save the King

Wiston spoke with his citizens. First I heard of it .


Actually what has been agreed with the cheaters illegally occupying our colony in the UK is we revery to cores for the duration of the War of Nations event as I am not going to give those cheaters points in that event.
That alone has been agreed
Not an end to a war
Not a TW
Only a ceasefire till the end of the event

so is a momentary cease fire, the war isnt over then


UK liars lied

What else would you expect from someone that made fresh clone accounts in a dead country just to reach CP position with it and afterwards accept CS applications to its main accounts... or multiple accounts that is....
